~Back To Headquarters~

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I walked down the dark streets, still carrying the now sleepy Jacob.

"Are we there yet~?" He groans, I smile and shake my head.

"Almost" I tell him,"don't worry, we'll get you home, I promise".

"Why did the Grand Guignol let me go?" He asks curiously," and why are you going back to him? Do you love him like he loves you?"

"Well~" I sigh," the Grand Guignol let you go because....".

I try to think of a lie he can be satisfied with, lord knows he'd feel guilty if I told him the truth.

"Because your dreams were too powerful" I told him," in fact, they were so powerful, that it made him never want to take another child again".

"Really?" He asks," I kicked the Grand Guignol's butt?"

"Yep" I say with a nod, in the distance I see my school come into view.

"Morgan..." Jacob mumbles

"What's up buddy?" I respond

"You didn't answer my other question..." he says," why are you going back to him? Do you love him?"

I felt my heart in my throat, this time not knowing a way out of this.

"You'll understand when you're older" I tell him," sometimes big kids have to do things that they don't want to, but they have too, because it's apart of responsibility".

"Like homework?" He asks

I let out small laugh," yea~" I tell him with a smile,"like homework, and we're here".

He gazed up at the large school building, his eyes wide with awe." This is your school?" He asks," it's so big!"

"I know" I tell him, making my way inside and through the long hallways past other students.

I felt like an outsider, of course every single person here is wearing a stupid costume

I spot the door to the Babysitter's headquarters, and I place a trembling hand on the knob.

I take a deep breath, preparing myself for their reactions.

I open the door, making my way inside. I immediately spotted everyone crowded on the couch, freaking out and livid out of their minds.

"How are we going to get her back!?!" I hear Liz, I look over and see her pacing around the room.

"Liz you need to calm down" Berna tries to ease her to sit down," Morgan is strong, she's our most skilled member, she can handle it".

"No she can't!" Liz yells angrily," who knows what he'll do to her, god I'll never forgive myself if he so much as lays another crooked, washed-up finger on her!"

"Why did he take her?" Curtis asks," it would make sense if he took Liz or Kelley, but why did he take Morgan?"

"We don't know" Cassie responds, lightly fumbling with her thumbs nervously," this doesn't make sense".

"Guys..." I call out to them, but they didn't seem to hear me since they continued.

~ My Darling Girl~ (The Grand Guignol x OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now