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We all gathered in the headquarters for our late night duties, constantly checking for any signs of abnormal disappearances or new tunnels made by the toadies.

It's Halloween

Which means the season of the monsters

"I can't believe we have to work on Halloween" I hear Curtis whine from across the room.

"I can" Berna remarks with a smile," come on, did you really think we would catch a break on Halloween? Of all holidays!"

"Yea Curtis" I chuckle," you think monsters are gonna catch and send themselves down the shoot?"

He lets out a groan," sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who knows how to have fun"

"That's a bold statement" Cassie snickers," I bet you won't say that to Liz".

"I will" he says, stopping his potion-making with a confident expression," just wait until she comes back, 10 dollars on the tab-"

"What the hell are you guys doing?" I hear a familiar bossy tone from the door.

Speak of the devil

"Hey Liz" I smile," Curtis wanted to tell you something"

"Oh really?" She questions," what is it?"

We all turn to Curtis, waiting for him to say the almighty.

He just stutters, sitting back down at his seat with a quiet "it's nothing~".

I close the guide book, making my way over to Liz.

"We've searched through the toadie tunnels" I tell her, about to continue until I noticed a random girl beside her.

I found this odd, since we were usually the only ones aloud in the headquarters.

However, I shrugged it off

"Oh hi" I say to the girl, holding out my hand for her to take," I'm Morgan, official babysitter in training".

"Kelley" the girl responds, taking my hand with a kind friendly smile.

"We have another mission" Liz informs us, walking past me and towards the large computer screen where Berna was.

"Okay everyone we have a stolen kid!" She continues, "His name is Jacob Zellman, he is 5 years-old and we have exactly 3 hours until his mom gets back to find her bundle of joy missing".

"Let me guess" I add," the toadies? Caked the poor boy in baby powder before bed?"

"Negative Morgan" she responds," kid was snatched from his room and taken through the tunnels, we managed to find them but oddly enough, they weren't willing to trade. But luckily we were able to snatch one of the three, he's in the containment center".

" This is serious" I add," toadies always trade, that means Jacob is of higher value".

"Or" Liz continues," they are taking him to a monster of higher power".

I turn my attention towards Kelley," did you see any other creature?" I ask her

She shakes her head,"just the toadies, at least I think".

I know what she needs

"Hey Curtis!" I call out,making my way towards him as Kelley followed behind," can you whip us up some memory potion buddy?"

~ My Darling Girl~ (The Grand Guignol x OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now