Behind the scenes

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A/N: This will be actively updated as future chapters progress check back to see what the cast is up to behind the scenes they also act different here because there not in the chapter they can act however they want you can tell because Tanya is acting far different then usual.

Sharp: And were done with another chapter. Enty: Why weren't we in this one? A/N: Cause its a flash back chapter you didn't exist yet. Tanya: Oh sharp~ Sharp: Huh? *Tanya scares him* Sharp: AH SHIT! *Tanya giggles* Reaper: You shoulda seen that coming sharp. Sharp: shut up. A/N: Yes you will be in the next chapter briefly Rex. Rex: YES! Anya: What don't trust that I'm treating your boys well? Fives: Your probably using them for your dirty work. Anya: I would never. Anger: So when does the next chapter production start? A/N: in five minutes! GET READY! *They get their stuff on and get ready*

Tanya: Sharp~ Sharp: Yes? Tanya: Can we do scary story's? Author: NO I need my ideas for the chapter. Tanya: Fine...

Mechanic: Um how the hell do we get the you know what on set? Sharp: No idea honestly.

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