Chapter 3 "War destroys everything"

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(A/N: Red is the guy in picture at the start of the chapter just so you know how he looks, also comment on anything you don't understand and ill explain it)

Shard: I assume your red? *Red would be sitting on a crate the rest of the male clone's asleep* Red: Who's asking? Anya: Anya. *Red looks up from his book* Red: What do you need? *Snow sees he had destroyed the cover but it looked like he was reading a manual on something to do with fire* Anya: Planet Gaia. Red: Aw crap fine you owe me Anya. Anya: yeah yeah Red: Anyway a huge siege a few years ago happened at Gaia they brought everything even some bounty hunter named Phantom...reaper was there and my friend jet but I'm getting ahead of myself I have to start from the beginning for any of this to make sense to you girls cause clearly you were never there...and the battle site is obvious even from orbit....But lets start at the beginning now


Red: Never thought I'd be stationed on a actual thriving world instead of a cold or hot hellhole. Jet: yeah yeah red you had the "worst" job but you never fought anything I took a few droids down on my first planet. Red: Sure you did...Did you hear that Palpatine got killed by a clone? Jet: Really? why? Red: The jedi are investigating the clone says Palpatine was a sith. Jet: I wonder how this will change the clone army. Red: Probably wont. (A/N Mon mothma took office and authorized the female clones to begin production so you were wrong there red) Jet: Your probably right. Reaper: Do you idiots ever shut up? Red: Nope. Reaper: Damn I was hoping you did. Jet: So why are you here reaper? Reaper: They sent me here so I could "Calm down" and "Cool off" after knocked out a shiny because he trash talked my squad. Jet: Why are you so violent? Reaper: Cause I'm not weak like you. Officer: SHUT UP WERE ALMOST THERE! *They stop talking and wait fore them to land* 

Red:..... *They land and get out* Officer: Stay ready CIS ships were spotted in this sector. Red: yes sir! * The rest go to their living quarters while red would be on patrol* Red: I wonder what will happen today... What's this? *He sees a ship* Red: Definitely not republic.. *He gets punched hard in the head from behind* Phantom: Silly clone don't you know its rude to trespass? Red: Ow...... Phantom: I bet Tanya would be happy if I brought you to her then the CIS would have a easy time here. *Jet and 2 jet troopers fly up and start firing at phantom who quickly escapes into the forest* Jet: land boys. *They land* Jet: This is why you don't patrol alone red. Red: Shut up I think the CIS are going to invade. Jet: Then lets tell the commander of this base. *They head back to base which wasn't close to any towns or city's* Commander: An attack is possible but foolish and what name did it say? Red: Tanya. Commander: Hmmm.... Never heard of her OFFICER GET ME EVERYTHING ON THIS TANYA NOW! Officer: SIR YES SIR *He runs off* Red: Also is it true? Mon mothma is in office? Commander: Yes why? Red: Just wondering. Commander: Then back to work troopers. Red & Jet: Yes sir! *They leave and the officer walks up to the commander and hands him a file* Commander: interesting.... *Meanwhile with red* Red: I hate maintenance duty. CT1: Yep it sucks cause were not mechanic's. Red: Yeah.... well we better hurry up don't want to be here all day. CT1: yep let's hurry *They finish repairs and go their separate ways* Red: I wish something exciting would happen for once.... [MEANWHILE AT TANYA'S HQ] Tanya: Crimson report. Crimson: 1 Gunship arrived this morning at their base it was full of shines but one had red markings of a unit I don't know and the other is a 501st jet trooper. Cleo: Oh Tanya~ Tanya: Yes Cleo? Cleo: We have reports that the base is only at 1/4th of its strength and should stay like that for the next 3 months. Tanya: Excellent Cleo. Cleo: Wanna do something fun after the battle?~ Tanya: No. Cleo: Aww your no fun. Tanya: I know now go do whatever you do. Cleo: ok. *She leaves* [BACK AT GAIA] Red: I wonder who this Tanya fellow is...

(A/N: This will be a brief chapter because I want to get on with the rest of this story)


Officer: MOVE IT WERE EVACUATING TROOPERS ON THE DOUBLE!! Troopers: SIR YES SIR! *They all quickly pack everything up and load everything up* Commander: WE LEAVE IN 3 HOURS TROOPERS HURRY UP!! *Red would be the last trooper going back to base alone* Red: Of course I'm bring up the rear I'm pretty much useless. Tanya: Not totally useless clone. *Red gets in firing position aiming at her* Red: ID YOUSELF! Tanya: Tanya your worst nightmare. Red: THAT IS DEBATABLE NOW DIE CIS TRASH! * He open fires but she would easily dodge moving like the wind* Tanya: To slow I thought you boys were better then this. * he turns around and shoves rose away before she can knock him out* Tanya: Your smart aren't you. Red: DIE!! Tanya: oop time to go girls. *They run off* Red:? * A gunship lands in front of him and he gets in and it takes off* Red: Where's je- *He sees jet laying on unconscious on a stretcher on the floor* Red: Oh that's where he is poor jet.

A/N: Again short flashback chapter now go do something productive with your lives while I do chapter 4 then come back.

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