Chapter 1 "We heal physically, never emotionally"

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[Location: Kamino] [Time: 19:00 hours]

*Reaper would wake up sweating a female clone looking at him* Anya: You ok? I heard you yelling something in your sleep. Reaper: I'm......fine just a bad dream. *Anya would have X2 and Destiny behind her* Anya: Yeah that didn't sound like a nightmare more like you relived a terrible event....What was it? Reaper: None of your damn buissness. X2: Hey! watch what you say to my sister! Anya: It's ok girls he's reaper I expected this. So was it about your squad? *The entire barracks falls silent* Anya: What? *The male clones look at each other then at them whispering something they couldn't hear* Destiny: Um I don't like this anya. *Reaper gets down* Reaper: STFU ABOUT MY SQUAD YOU HAVE NO BUISSNESS TALKING ABOUT THEM.......COMMANDER! *2 male security troopers enter* Trooper1: Alright back to bed Reaper We don't need another infraction now do we? *Reaper would give the girls then the troopers a death stare* Reaper:.....Fine *He would go back to bed* Anya: What was that about? Trooper2: His squad died horrible painful deaths he was forced to leave them after being forced to watch them painfully and slowly die at the hands of his enemies killing those people are what drives him. X2: oh so that's what happened.....poor guy so he isn't like this naturally? Shinny: He used to be kind and fun but he was never the same he was in the med bay for a week he walked into the base dripping blood from his arms and legs he collapsed at the entrance to the base. *Anya sees enty walk by but she had likely been watching and listening* Anya: strange girl...... 

Trooper1: Please leave ladies your not permitted in the male barracks. X2: Fine. *They leave and hear yelling* Anya: Tf? *2 arcs rush by and they follow* X2: What are they yelling about? *Anger and zara would be yelling at each other* Anger: YOU CAN'T CALL YOURSELF A VETERAN UNLESS YOU'VE BEEN THROUGH THE HELLS THAT ARE GEONOSIS, UMBARA, OR FELUCIA AND YOU HAVEN'T! zara: I MAY NOT HAVE BEEN THERE BUT IM MORE SKILLED THEN YOU IM A COMMANDO YOUR A ARC I OUTRANK YOU AND IVE BEEN ON DANGEROUS MISSIONS TO YOU PATHETIC EXSCUSE OF A CLONE!! *That did it for anger anf he threw the first punch square into zara's face and they started fighting* male arc1: HEY BREAK IT UP *They rush down and grab anger and start pulling him back. zara and angers face would be bloody the arcs drag anger to the med bay* Anya: Wasn't that a little harsh zara? Zara: Maybe....But its true.... *They see reaper standing in the corner silently watching* X2: Hey how did he get there?! *He walks into the dark corridor and the lights turn on but he is gone* Destiny: Um..... (A/N CT is a male clone FCT is female keep that in mind) CT: What? Anya: Reaper just disappeared CT: Oh that no one knows its not actually reaper it looks like one his squad mates if you get a good look at it. Dimitra : Hmm Strange *Anya, X2, and Destiny turn around and hug Dimitra* Anya: YOU'RE FINALLY HERE! *Dimitra hugs back* Dimitra: I missed you girls to! X2: What should we do now that most of us are here? Destiny: Sleep first we need to sleep. Dimitra: Agreed *They all go to their sleep pods an go to sleep*

*The next day*

[Location: Control center] [Time: 12:00 hours]

*A male officer would be looking at the holo table while female 501st troopers would be in a large circle around him and the table* officer:..... *He clicks a button and a trooper appears* 501st CT: THIS IS BASE ALPHA ON ILUM WE ARE UNDER ATTACK I REPEAT WE ARE- *The trooper in the back ground gets head shot* 501st CT2:AGH! CT1 gets force choked and a light saber goes through his chest* CT1:ACK- * A female human steps up and takes the lightsaber out and lets go of the corpse and she looks at the camera then grabs a 501st trooper charging her by the neck* CT3: AGH! * She looks him in the eyes but doesn't kill him she keeps him alive* ?????: Come and rescue him if your brave enough clones. *She breaks the device* officer:*sigh* Get me Ashoka and Ark, Anakin is busy and get me Plo Koon and the wolf pack they have a trooper to save. 

[Location: hanger bay] Wolffe: Alright listen up men and mostly ladies we have a mission enty from the 501st will be joining us along with sharp, reaper, and Anya load up *They say yes sir and get in the gun ships* Sharp: Here we go again reaper. Reaper: yep. *Anya gets in and enty gets in next to her and reaper and sharp get in at the front and enty would be uncomfortably close to Anya* Anya: Um mind backing u enty your a little close. *Enty would refuse so Anya sighs and deals with it* Wolfpack CT1: ETA 30 SECONDS! *They get ready* Reaper: Can't wait to get out of this gun ship. Wolfpack FCT: Is it cause there's only 3 boys here? Reaper: Yes please take offense. FCT2: Rude. Reaper: That's the point. *The doors open and the boys rush out faster then the girls taking lead* CT3: GO GO GO!! CT5: SUPRESSING FIRE! CT9: INCOM- * A explosion takes out  large group of male clones* CT1: FORWARD! * The girls set up the FOB as the males push forward* 

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