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501st female clones don't wear full armor cause their armor doesn't protect them from anything anyway comment your reason for disagreeing if you disagree (this picture was bigger then I thought) if you don't give me a picture you will look like the girls below but different colors if not 501st and male clones wear full armor unlike the girls they refer to each as brothers and sisters but the girls see the males as inferior this creates tension that has boiled over more then once for a few clones

501st female clones don't wear full armor cause their armor doesn't protect them from anything anyway comment your reason for disagreeing if you disagree (this picture was bigger then I thought) if you don't give me a picture you will look like th...

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Complete Bio's available on The new 501st Bio's book I made and new characters will continue to appear

Anger is a male clone trooper who resents his sister for more details see my character book.

Reaper is a male clone of a unknown design and training he's fueled by vengeance, a vendetta, and anger, and hate he wasn't always this way though.....

Sharp is a male clone trooper who is a arc he's hyperactive but they keep him drugged 90% of the time currently which bugs his friends because everyone else likes the hyperactive version better. He lost all his batchmates very earlier to accidents and malfunctions so a female jedi and 2 unknown 501st troopers "raised" him he came out pretty good for being alone his entire life basically.

Credit to ram227poi for some of these female clone profiles they are from My Clone Army

Destiny A female clone trooper and second in command with anya she grew up with her sisters and resents her brothers as most female troopers see their brothers as inferiors.

Anya Commander of the 501st outranking rex (to his annoyance) she controls him and the rest of the battalion and now has to deal with the tight night group they rescued everyone calls "The survivors" and they prove to be a annoyance to the female troopers well most do.

Ark is the third female jedi and she is leading the 501st with anakin and ashoka she is human and trust the female clones more then the males and even resents the males to "the survivors" frustration

Dimitra Transferred from the Republic marines she is close with anya and destiny they and others try to control "The survivors" so they can be more useful in combat and they stop resenting them.

Zara A female clone commando she is a leader for the female troopers and is the only female trooper besides medics who doesn't resent her brothers she eventually learns the horrifying experiences they went through on felucia.

X2 She is a female version of colt this a joke popular among her brothers that she constantly tries to stop to little affect she resents "the survivors" like basically all her sisters she sees her self as superior to them

Enty: A yandere female clone no one knows who she loves tho it could be the main character which is Y/N maybe sharp? who knows all we know is she has been spotted stalking them and the only child clone comet who all female clones except zara adore. She is under watch by a stealth clone to stop her from drawing blood.

Rex: We all know who is

Cody: Ditto rex

Wolffe: Ditto rex

Fives: Ditto rex

Echo: Ditto rex

waxer: Ditto Rex

Boil: Ditto Rex

Hardcase: He's the guy with the Z-6 on umbara in the show if you didn't know

Phantom: Mystery bounty hunter

Tanya: Human separatist officer in charge of breaking clones learning everything the know and turning them into slaves for CIS royalty if they refuse to help them fight their brothers. She leads the only all female elite counter clone division all of them are there for reasons some don't know those reasons yet but this band of misfits works perfectly like a well oiled machine.

Rose: Part of Tanya's unit

Crimson: Ditto rose

Cleo: Ditto rose

Zelda: Ditto rose

A/N: Go look at their Bio chapters for the info no way in hell am I writing all that crap twice

Shard: A non-clone republic fighter who fights alongside them


Star: A gifted wolf tracker working alongside the clones


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