Heat [Vic Fuentes] for jhawkgrl2003

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So this is considerably shorter than the other one.  But sometimes I like the one shots that are sweet and to the point.  I hope you do, too.  And I apologize for it taking so long.  For some reason I didn't get your message until, like, a day or two after you sent it.  And then, I had a shit-ton of stuff pop up this weekend.  But I hope you like it all the same.  :)



What the hell, Bailey?" She heard Vic roar as he got off the stage. The noise of the screaming fans nearly covered up the shout. But Bailey was very in-tune to the sound of Vic yelling. She'd experienced him screaming at her more times than she could count.

She turned to look at Vic in the midst of storming off the stage. His face was red, but from the heat or his fury, she did not know. Maybe both. His eyes held a sort of rage to them that did not scare Bailey in the least bit, but still she knew not to test him.

Bailey rolled her eyes and lolled her head back, a frustrated groan leaving her throat. "What are you pissed about now, Vic?" she shouted back, crossing her arms over her chest.

Vic took Bailey's hand and led her to a back room so they could hear each other better. Bailey tried to push down the thought that she was all alone . . . with Vic Fuentes . . . who was beautiful in every way . . . and who she was pretty sure she was in love with . . .

"Why the hell did you give me the Takamine?" Vic fumed. His yelling was not helping him cool down. Sweat plastered his hair to his cheeks, and he peeled it away. He really need a nice, cool shower. He for sure thought he was going to pass out from heat exhaustion. At times like this, he hated Warped.

Bailey narrowed her eyes. "Um, because you said to?" She motioned to the clipboard in her hands. It was so she knew the line-up and what guitars to give Vic at what time.

"Gimme that."

Vic snatched the clipboard from Bailey's hand, earning him a deadly glare. "Who wrote this? I know I put down that I wanted my Taylor for the acoustic songs."

Bailey rose one eyebrow and gave Vic a weird look. She pointed to where "Takamine" was scrawled out on the clipboard in what was unmistakably Vic's sloppy script.

"Obviously you didn't."

Vic groaned and rolled his eyes.

Bailey knew he was just irritable because of the heat. Whenever Vic was uncomfortable, he would get short-tempered and fiery. And she could tell that he was not comfortable in the slightest. Warped Tour is infamous for being the hottest tour ever. And not in the 'popular' hot way. In the 'Jesus-fucking-Christ-is-this-what-it-feels-like-in-hell?' sort of heat. At times like this, she really hated Warped.

"Well, screw what the fucking paper says. You know I use my Taylor for the acoustic part of the set!" Vic shoved the clipboard back into Bailey's hands.

Bailey threw the clipboard down in frustration.

"Well, how the hell am I supposed to know?" she shouted. "You just got the fucking Takamine. I thought you'd wanna switch things up a bit. I mean, what do you want me to do, read your mind? I'm not a fucking psychic, Victor!"

Vic softened at the sound of his whole name. Though he hated that she only used it when she was mad at him, it still sounded so nice rolling off her tongue.

Vic almost scolded himself for thinking this way about his friend . . . his best friend, nonetheless. But Vic was so past the point of denying his obvious attraction towards Bailey. He couldn't deny that sometimes he'd look into her beautiful doe-brown eyes and forget what he was saying. Or he'd hear her laugh and joke around and his day would become five billion times better. Sometimes he wished he could just run his fingers through the silky strands of her long blonde hair.

Sure, they fought. But then again, what friends, especially best friends, didn't argue about trivial stuff?

"Um . . . Vic? You okay in there?"

It was then Vic realized he'd been staring at Bailey for a good fifteen seconds. Wow, that's embarrassing.

"Uh, y-yeah. I'm totally . . . just-I'm fine. Really. Probably just the heat." Well, shit. Vic felt his face grow a deep scarlet.

He looked over at Bailey as she gave him a questioning look.

"Victor Fuentes, I swear to God if you don't tell me what the fuck is wrong with you, I'll punch you in the face. I'm not even joking."

Vic took one look at her face and saw that, indeed, she was not fucking around. Sighing, he ran a hand through his sweat-damp hair.

"I'm sorry Bay," Vic murmured, meeting her eyes. "I've been such an assbutt lately and I just . . . I wanted to say that I'm sorry and I didn't mean it and I love you."

Bailey was shocked when he used her old pet name. She'd thought he'd forgotten about it, since he hadn't used it in nearly ten years. Bailey smirked as she caught the blatant Supernatural reference.

But then she caught it.

". . . and I love you."

What was that all about? Sure, they'd told each other that they love each other plenty of times, but always in a mocking way. At least, she'd thought so. Bailey cleared her throat before she began very carefully.

"You . . . love me?"

Shit. Vic was hoping she wouldn't notice. He hadn't meant for it to slip, but of course it did. The last thing Vic wanted to do was confess his feelings towards Bailey in a cheesy, cliche way.

Well. There was no turning back now.

"For the record," Vic started, "I didn't want to tell you this way. I wanted it to be in a cool, memorable way. 'Cause I mean, you're Bailey, one of the best people I've ever met, and you deserve this totally freaking awesome way for a guy to tell you that he loves you. But here I go saying bullshit like this and trying to pass it off for an admission of love when it re-"

Bailey placed her hands on either side of Vic's face. "For the record, this is memorable. Just thought you should know."

And with that, Bailey pressed her lips to Vic's.

She was sure that, at times like these, she could really grow to love Warped.

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