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[ third person ]


"Stop fucking running!" Yumiko snapped as she grabbed Nishinoya by the ear, yanking him back before he could accidentally run over a small girl who had crossed his path. "Slow the fuck down, you damn roach."


The entire group walked down the street together, making their way towards the family restaurant Daichi had picked out.

About twenty minutes ago, Daichi and Suga suggested that they go out to eat at a family restaurant for once. The whole team had agreed, only because they wanted to give Yumiko a break from cooking since she has been doing it often.

Today was a day to return the favor for her efforts these past few months. They were going to help her in more ways than one.

"Hey!" Nishinoya called out, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and walking ahead. "What's up with you?"

She quirked an eyebrow. "What're you talking about?"

"You're all spacey and acting weird. Did something happen with Tsukishima earlier?" The boy questioned, being interrupted by Tanaka who threw his arm around Yumiko's shoulder from the other side.

"Yeah, bruh! You've been acting all weird. Your face is red too!"

"Shut up!" She pushed their faces away with a roll of the eyes, pointing a finger at them. "You guys are the reason nothing happened! Damn roaches!"

"It was an accident!" They both wailed, holding their hands up in defense. She sighed, not genuinely upset with them in the first place.

Tanaka and Nishinoya put their heads together, trying to think of an idea to fix what they had interrupted. Upon coming to a consensus, they turned around and grinned at the female who looked confused. "We got an idea."

[ t i m e   s k i p ]

"Uhhhh..." Yumiko turned to face Tsukishima who had a look of annoyance stretched across his face. "We, uh, got left behind."

"More like deliberately ditched." The boy shot back, finding the entire group chat spamming with 'good luck, Tsukishima' in chat. He knew this was their idea of helping, but being left alone in a place they were both unfamiliar with was just inane.

After the group had finished eating dinner at the family restaurant, they lured Tsukishima and Yumiko into the silly plan they had thought of. It was a safe idea that would cause no one harm since the entire Karasuno kept an eye on them from afar.

His eyes shifted over to the female who crossed her arms over her chest, rubbing her upper arms.

"The wind is strong here." The female murmured, making her way over to a spot where she'd be out of the direct wind. Tsukishima followed behind, slowly moving because of the way his mind moved at top speed.

A thousand thoughts raced through his head upon taking in her appearance, noticing how cold she was.

Glancing in the other direction, he shrugged off the thick coat on his body and slid them off his arms. Not daring look at her, he shoved the jacket into her hands.

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