"What happened there?" Isadora started laughing again.

"Another beautiful Quagmire memory, before Duncan turned all demented,"

"What happened?" Klaus repeated.

"FLASHBACK TIME!" Sunny exclaimed

Duncan had been begging to do Isa's makeup, "come on, we'll make it so Klaus will like you,"

"Have you been reading my commonplace book?" Isadora questioned, Duncan shrugged, finally, Isadora agreed. "Did you lose a bet or something?" Quigley asked, coming into the room, Isadora slowly nodded. "No, Issy said I could do her makeup,"

"Issy, do you want to tell me what's wrong? Because this is worse then suicide," Quigley commented. "And what would you know about anything?" Duncan asked him.

"Let's see, maps, maps, geography, maps, I'm pretty sure I'm better at math than you-"

"I didn't ask what your better then me at, that list is too long,"

"But I want to hear it," Isadora told Quigley.

"I'm better at cartography, math, climbing, walking, living, my hair is better, talking to girls-"

"Okay, listen here, Violet Baudeliare loves me more!"

"Has she ever kissed you?"

"No, but she hasn't kissed you,"

"Whatever you want to tell yourself, little triplet,"

"Wait, hold up, whaaaaaat?"

"Oh, yeah, Issy, your best friend and I have kissed,"

"That's it, we're fighting," Duncan began to attempt to beat up Quigley, Quigley pat his head, very lightly, and Duncan fell over. "Well, that's that,"

"This isn't over," Duncan dramatically whispered.

"You sure about that?" Quigley asked him while Isa started laughing.


"Violet? Wake up," Violet heard a familiar voice tell her.

"Not now, Quigley,"

"Duncan, actually," Violet jumped up.

"What are you doing here?"

"Relax, Violet, you and my idiotic brother can continue your plans with the wedding and happily ever after, and I will never bother any Baudelaire, Quigley or your future children ever,"

"In exchange for what?"

Duncan chuckled, "It's simple, I need Isadora to come back to the city with me. I'm not partially fond of the idea of murdering her, so if she comes back home, we can live out as the Quagmire twins,"

"You guys are triplets,"

"For now,"
"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Violet, darling, how much do you love your dear Quigleforth, cause if I don't get what I want he'll be another corpse on this island and you my wife," Duncan told her emotionlessly stroking her cheek. Violet ran out of the tent, "Quigley! Quigley!"
"What's wrong, my love?" Quigley asked, he was lying on a hammock, half-asleep.

"Duncan's here," With those words he jumped up.

"Did he harm you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Quigley, but where is Isadora?"

"In the treehouse with Klaus,"

"Good she can protect him," Violet mumbled.

Duncan smirked, 'the treehouse, okay,'


"Issy! It's Quigley, can you open up?" Duncan asked through the door, knocking on it. "I'm coming, - Duncan?"

"Hello, sis,"

"Duncan's here?" Klaus questioned.

"Oh look, the bookworm is here too, how wonderful,"

"Go away,"

"No can do, it seems I actually have to kill one of my triplet's this time, and I can't decide who, Quigley, or Isadora?"

"You'd murder your own sister?" Klaus asked, disgusted.

"If I came to that, which it might,"

"No, it won't, promise me you won't hurt any of the Baudelaires or Quigley,"

"I promise,"

"On Mom and Dad?" Isadora knew that even though Duncan was a terrible person, one mention of their parents would bring the solemn teenageer back. "On Mom and Dad," he repeated. "Let me pack up," Isadora told him, running upstairs with Klaus following.
"Isa, your stuff is in-" Isadora cut him off by passionately kissing him.

"Klaus Baudelaire, I love you/ no matter what happens, please stay true,"

"What do you think Duncan is up to? You know him the best,"

"All I know is I'm the only one that can put him behind bars, I know all the safe combinations, passwords, I know which closets the skeletons are in. Duncan knows if I were to go back to the city or contact anyone in the city on my own, all that information could get out. But if I go back with Duncan, I can still turn him in,"

"So you are playing the double agent?"


"Stay safe, and always remember,"

"Remember what?"

"I love you, Isadora,"
"I love you too, Klaus," The couple shared one more kiss before heading downstairs.


"Get on the plane, I need to take care of something, I'll be right back," Duncan told her as she hopped on the three-seater plane.


"Duncan, buddy, come back, we can forgive and forget everything, you can rejoin the noble side of VFD, and we can be a family again," Quigley pleaded with his brother.

"Brothers don't steal girlfriends,"

"Violet was never your girlfriend, heck, I didn't even know you had a crush on her when we were sitting on that frozen waterfall. Let's put the past behind us, and start over, what do you say, brother?"

"Isadora is waitting for me on the plane, and I promised I wouldn't murder you," Duncan starteed to walk away. "Like you even could,"

"Excuse me?"

"You couldn't murder me if you tried,"

"I think I could,"
"Then do it, give me your worst,"

"Quigley, as much as I'd love to stab your chest watching your life deflate from you, I love Violet, and I could not stand her suffering over you, even though you are a massive fool," Duncan told him, continuing on his path.

"How did you get so lost?"

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