My Capture

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I had no idea what had hit me. I awoke in the back seat of a vehicle I didn't recognize, and all I could feel was agonizing pain. Blood was dripping from my forehead as I attempted to wipe it from my eyes. I was still trying to process what had just happened when I heard an all too familiar voice from the front. I lay dazed, convinced I was in my previous hell. But I wasn't back in my cell. I was trapped in a new nightmare.

I caught sight of him as I slowly awoke. He was talking to a woman I didn't recognize at first, until it dawned on me. I was back with Nathan, and he had Anna working right alongside him. I couldn't understand how they knew where I was or how I had missed the fact that I had been so close all along. I moved in my seat to try to sit up, but I quickly realized that zip-ties were once again tying my hands behind my back.

"Hello, Katherine," the devil spoke to me as I tried to break myself free. "I bet you are sorry you didn't make sure I was dead back in Pennsylvania. Oh, and you remember Anna, don't you?" He asked as he moved to face me from the front.

"Anna? What are you doing?" I angrily asked.

"Well, hello there, Katherine. Nice to see you finally awake," Anna said to me while glancing in the rearview mirror.

"You assholes won't get away with this!"

"That's not very nice, now is it?" Nathan asked in a sadistic tone. "You should have left well enough alone. You had to come and find me, didn't you? Now I will make you wish you hadn't." 

I knew I had to think and think fast. I had to find a way to get myself out of the predicament. I inched myself up to look out the window, trying to familiarize myself with the surroundings. I saw nothing but vast mountains in the distance as we passed motel after motel. I saw the place I was staying but couldn't see more than the building's top. I noticed as I attempted to look or even move, Liam would get angrier and angrier.

"You need to lay down until we get to where we will keep you. You realize I have a gun, don't you? If you try anything, it will be my pleasure to go to jail to make sure you have both feet in the grave," Nathan explained.

I sank back as my mind raced, needing to focus on a way out. I knew I had to find a way to escape. I had done it before, and I was going to do it again or die trying. I refused to let him win. I knew it was all up to me and no one else would get me out of that one.

We slowly turned into an apartment complex. I had recognized it from when I drove around incessantly looking for Nathan. I wondered how they would get me up with no one noticing a bound woman, and then it hit me when I saw a rather large Tupperware tub. When I lay knocked out from being struck in the head by the butt of the gun, the two of them went to retrieve my life-sized plastic coffin. Nathan had walked to the trunk to remove it after Anna parked the vehicle in a private garage.

"I am not getting in there, you sick freaks!" I screamed.

Nathan then leaned over and forcefully placed the gun on my temple. Anna whipped around from the front seat and took out a relatively large roll of duct tape from a bag. She ripped a long piece off and proceeded to tape my mouth shut as I trembled in fear. I thought to scream out again, but with a loaded weapon to my forehead, I wasn't about to attempt to flee. I wanted to get someone's attention but knew a bullet would be lodged in my head if I did, and that was not a risk I was willing to take. I wanted to win, or die trying, not die in an instant.

After my mouth was sealed shut, Nathan rolled me into the bin, securing the lid on top. I heard him tell me if I made a sound, I would regret it, and at that moment, I believed him. I felt him struggle to lift me as he made his way up a flight of steps. I heard Anna tell someone they were moving some items from storage as I prayed the nightmare would be over.

Anna unlocked the door for Nathan, who thought it would be nice to toss me onto the floor. The impact of my body compacted in the bin while hitting the hard surface was enough to make me cry out in pain. I then felt Nathan kick the side of the tub, whispering for me to shut my mouth. I thought for a brief moment that he would leave me in my temporary casket until he decided what to do with me.

I then saw the light peeking in as Anna slowly lifted the lid. I knew I was in an apartment and not his soundproofed basement, making my chances of escape greater than if I were in a single-family home. I had to get my bearings and focus on the task at hand, and that was saving my own life.

"Look, I know we are not back in Bloomsburg, but I will kill you if you try and escape. Anna, do you have the cuffs?" Nathan asked.

Anna seemed too chipper about torturing someone, seeing as she was once a victim herself. I couldn't understand how someone, as she was, could fall in love with their captor. I knew then that his charm had worked to brainwash the poor girl, but I would need her to be my ticket out. I knew then I had to reach Anna personally and help her remember how she once felt about Nathan, making her sympathize with me.

"Get out, now," Nathan demanded as he opened the lid.

I did as he asked, seeing as he still had a gun in my face. I wasn't sure what it was, but all of me believed he was serious when he said he wouldn't mind going to jail if it meant I were dead. I did as they demanded. I slowly stood from the bin and inched my way out. The duct tape was still fastened on my mouth with my hands behind my back as I moved forward.

Nathan then led me into a small bedroom with one window that he had draped with blackout blinds. There wasn't much in the room, similar to the one I was a prisoner to while in Bloomsburg. There was a smaller walk-in closet that he quickly rushed me into. I assumed that was where I would stay, but it was temporary until he could secure the rest of the space.

Anna tied the door shut, sitting watch, as Nathan left to get the items he needed to make my stay as uncomfortable as possible. He left to buy chains, a deadbolt for my door, a portable toilet for me to go to the bathroom, and studio acoustic foam panels to soundproof what he could. I sat in that tiny closet confined for hours while he prepared my torture chamber.

As day turned into night, he slowly led me out with a look of sheer satisfaction on his face. A tall dresser was pushed in front of the room's one window while the walls and floor stood fastened with foam panels. Nathan led me to a queen-sized bed, where chains awaited me. I laid down as he wrapped the chains around my waist, leading down to my ankles, then fastened to the foot of the bed. Nathan then handcuffed my left wrist to the bedpost to ensure I could not escape. He then placed a baby monitor on the nightstand next to me to make sure he could hear if I cried out.

"Now, one of us will be in throughout the day and night. I'm not playing when I say I will kill you if you make one sound. Do you hear me? I will hear it all. And Anna or I will be in every few hours to release your wrist so you can use the restroom." I replayed killing Nathan as he told all of that to me.

I laid back on the bed, refusing to be combative at that moment. I knew I would exact my revenge on Nathan and make him pay for everything he had done to me. I just had to get to Anna first.

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