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"Damn , I raised my head from the comfort of my pillow slamming my hand on the vibrating clock on my bedside table , grabbed it and removed the batteries .
" No more disrupting my sleep until school starts , thank heavens that's not anytime soon " I mumbled to myself , I thought about last night after dinner when Mom thought I was up already in my room she had snuck into her room and lit a cigarette I had gone to fetch my phone when I noticed the smell of tobacco and my heart sank I decided not to talk to her about it anymore since the last time I tried to stop her and it didn't end well.
I sighed and got off my bed  angered at my alarm clock for disrupting my beauty sleep , I tapped my phone and saw it was 9:30 , walking into my bathroom I grabbed my brush and looked into the mirror , the red  streak on my head had darkened and burned a little .
" Who said being me was easy " I smiled my mirror copying  as well, I grabbed my brush and hummed  temporarily entertaining myself as I went through my usual morning ritual .

I slipped into my room and picked a set of matching undies and slipped on a white pair of shorts and a t-shirt , I decided to go to the cabin in the woods so I called it which wasn't very far from my home and since I wasn't really going to pass under direct sunlight I decided it would be safe for me to wear it , I tied my hair in a lose ponytail deciding to let it air-dry itself. I reached for my bag feeling it to know if the book was still there and breathed a sigh of relief when I felt the familiar hardness of the book , grabbed my phone I still had the 20 bucks from yesterday grabbed my phone, shut my door and skipped down the stairs into the kitchen.
My mom was already up making breakfast as I expected.
"Morning Mom " I hugged her from behind
"Hey kiddo , you're up and all dressed, where are you off to today uhn?"
"To the cabin " I grabbed two of the Bacons she had previously sizzled in the pan both of them still warm to touch as I bit into it
"Hey, stop touching food with your hands" she snickered as I pecked her on the cheek and grabbed an Apple and a granola bar from the fridge and slipped out the door.
I breathed in  the fresh air and feeling the warm Summer breeze on my skin was purely delightful as I walked into the woods , I gingerly walked through the all too familiar path until I reached a clearing , it used to be mine and dad's favorite place it had a cabin we had built though not so pleasing to the eyes but it was comfortable and before it was a lake, the waters clean but it reflected green due to the fact that it was deep and there was probably reeds growing in them beyond the lake were also woods but thicker and reflected off on the lake making it look more green , my father called it green waters because of it's appearance, I peered into the lake like I had always had hoping to see within I gave up after a few seconds knowing it was impossible , I walked back towards the cabin and turned back in surprise I thought I had heard a faint whisper of my name.
" Hmmph this is what happens when everywhere is too quiet" I walked into the cabin and sat on the chair  my father used to rest in sighing as I grabbed the book and turned it to the page I had stopped at removing the bookmark and placing it onto my lap as I grabbed my granola and bit into it absorbing myself into the world of myths and legends I was yet to have knowledge of.

The ringing of my phone brought me out of my engrossment my phone lit up showing the familiar smiling face of my mom
"Hey Mom what's up"
" Kiddo it's nearly five you should come back home soon not soon , come back home right now , dinner is ready so you better get here soon " trying to sound mean which she knows she isn't good at
" Yeah mom , I'm on my way " I grabbed my bag and walked out the cabin making sure everything was in it's place before I shut the door , I looked out to the lake now a darker green and strange looking but I shurgged my shoulder,reached into my bag for the apple and bit into it as I made my journey back home.

By the time i got home it was already dark , I walked in to a set dining , a small bowl of green vegetable salad sat in the middle, my mom waiting for me
" Heyyyyy" I beamed at her
" If not tomorrow is to be your birthday I'd have grounded your lil ass Missy " she wagged her fork at me
"Sorry , I got carried away , I'm nearly done with the book , who knew minotaurs played games they didn't know they were playing I mean to them it was hunting ". My mom looked up at me and smiled
" I'm glad you're learning new myths now eat your veggies you need them to be strong"
" Yes" the rest of the dinner was quiet and the dishes were washed and put away , we both retired to our rooms each saying our goodnights.
I entered into my room and turned on the lights deciding on not taking a shower I washed my face , hands and legs and changed out of my clothes into my pyjamas shorts and Mickey mouse strap top , I got into bed deciding not to cover my body I picked up the book and finished up the myths about minotaurs I had one more myth to read which centered around centaurs and I decided to read it the next day , I turned on my night light and got comfy my mind wandering and absorbing what I've read  almost felt like it  actually happened during the old days but mom had always said they were just myths and nothing more I kept thinking on for a while till I slipped away from reality and dreamt of flying Pegasus and green waters.

Guys 1077 words , Honestly that feels good , I hope you are enjoying it and please vote for this book by hitting the star at the bottom right of your screen . Yo tomorrow's Snow's birthday let's see what surprise is in it for her shall we , see you later lovelies 🥰🥰
Your Penner: Timesud ..

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