Chapter 19

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I didn't realize how long I'd been in the shower until I looked behind me and my whole backside was bright red. I gently turned off the water and stepped out, ringing my hair before grabbing a towel.

I wiped water off the bathroom mirror just enough so I could see my face. God, I looked rough.

My clothes from the night before lay in a pile in the corner of the bathroom and my face still had makeup remnants on it no matter how hard I tried to get it off.

Harry had asked me to meet him in an hour to go on our walk. It had already been 30 mins and I intend on taking my sweet time. I slowly brushed my teeth, washed my face and combed out my hair before venturing out into my room to lay on my bed for 20 minutes until I forced my self to get up.

"Damn you take long showers." I screamed and accidentally shattered the lenses of my glasses. Harry covered his ears and smirked at me.

"What are you doing here!" I yell, holding my towel close to my body.

"You were taking too long."

"It's been 30 minutes!!" He started at me like I was insane.

"It's been four hours." I hold up my hand to see that my fingers were so wrinkled they were practically disintegrated. "I guess we're going out for a early dinner."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed some clothes out of my suitcase, taking them into the bathroom. After I was changed I brushed through my hair once more and went back out to see Harry holding my birth control box.

"You missed Saturday."

"Stop going through my shit!" I grabbed the box out of his hands and stormed over to my bed, grabbing my shoes.

"Why are your shoes like that?" He asked looking down at my green vans.

"Because I like the color green?"

"Well they're ugly. Like really ugly. Someone threw up on them ugly. Someone food dyed their shit green, ugly. Someone threw up and mixed it in with the green shit, ugly."

"Okay I get it, Jesus." I said, lacing up the other shoe.

Eventually we made it out of the hotel room and into the elevator. We were on one of the top floors so we had a while to go before we reached the lobby.

The elevator began filling up and there were about 7 people plus the two of us on.

"Oh Aven! Did you take your birth control again? You remember what happened last time." Harry snaps his fingers and points at me. I glare at him as people stare at us.

"Harry." I place my hand on his shoulder, lovingly. "I had a miscarriage two months ago, you have to let her go." Harry's smirk fades and now his eyes shoot daggers at me.

"All I was implying back there is that you have safe sex and you made me a father grieving his unborn daughter." Harry teases me as we walk out of the elevator.

"You started it." I shot back. He scoffs as we walk out into the street.

We walked side by side of a few moments before I decided to try and start a conversation.

"Aren't you worried you'll get noticed walking around on the street?" He chuckled and looks down at me.

"Yeah because I'm so scared of my own fans."

"I-I was j-just." Harry groaned dramatically, cutting me off.

"Stop the stuttering, I hate that." I rolled my eyes, but quieted down.

"I'm sorry I upset his Royal majesty." I muttered under my breath.

"What was that, Princess?" He snaps

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