Chapter 18

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I was woken up by the sun coming through the window. Everything felt stiff. How long was I asleep? I went to roll over but my wrist was held back.

I sat up in a panic and saw that I was handcuffed to the bedpost. My brain wasn't working at full capacity yet but I knew that my hotel room was smaller than this one.

I looked over to my left and saw someone sitting at a table with their back to me. I knew right away it was Harry, there was a faint buzzing sound coming from the table but I didn't care enough to find out the source of it.

I pulled on my wrist again to make sure I wasn't having a fever dream. The noice made Harry turn around.

"Man, you sleep like the dead." He smirked.

"Funny you say that, I had the strangest dream what I was in hell-"

"Don't care, didn't ask plus you have lice." He dismissed.

"What happened? Why am I here?" I demand.

"We were playing chutes and ladders and you went feral after I beat you, so I had to protect myself." Harry smirked and my jaw dropped.

"You're lying."

"How can you be so sure, Princess?"

"I have never lost a game of chutes and ladders in my life. And I've played in the world championships." Harry dropped his smirk and I could tell he had an instant boner.

"That's, actually kinda hot." His cock was practically standing straight up in his jeans.

"That still doesn't change the fact that I'm handcuffed to your bed."

"Right. What's the last thing you remember from last night?"

"How is that relevant now?" I tugged on my wrist a little more.

"You're gonna hurt yourself." I glared at him and he smiled. "Just answer my question and I'll let you go."

"I'll answer your question if you answer one of mine."

"I'm not negotiating, Princess." He scoffs.

"If you don't unlock me I swear I will go full Saw mode and chop my hand off." I was only 67% serious about that. Harry's face pales.

"Fine, only because I have a hand fetish. If you answer my question I will answer any questions you have for 30 seconds. Deal?"

"Deal. The last thing I remember is flirting with that hot bartender in the bass pro shops t-shirt." I almost orgasmed on the spot thinking about his giant belt buckle.

"Anything else?" I shake my head. "Think harder."


"I said." He leaned in closer from his chair. "Think harder."

"I told you the last thing I remember." I glare at him as he rests his chin in the palm of this hand.

"Nothing about our conversation? Or leaving the bar?" I shook my head.

"Should I?" He stands up and comes closer to me, I anxiously pull my legs closer to my chest as he takes a seat on the bed. He places his hand on my knee and rubs circles into my skin with his thumb. I wanted him as far away from me as possible but I didn't really have a choice.

"You had wacky night Princess. Your bartender spiked your drink." My stomach dropped and my eyes went wide.


"You were roofied, drugged, stupefied."

"H-how? Did he?"

"He didn't touch you. I dragged you away, you slapped me, I told you to run before I killed you, you ran, ended up on top of the hotel, fell in the pool and drowned, I saved you, and here we are."

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