Chapter 3

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1 year later...

It's been a year since that night and my life has only gotten quirkier. I'm 19 now and my future is finally getting on track. I have a meeting with some official at NYU who could totally make or break my chances of getting into their fall program.

Photography has been my passion ever sines 7th grade when I took a black and white picture of a lawn chair and I knew I was destined for greatness. I mean my VSCO account has 907 followers so I practically a professional by now.

But NYU doesn't know real talent when they see it so I have to apply like everyone else. Whack, I know.

Anyway, right now I'm finishing up my shift and Deniz and Laurynn are abusing their 'discount' by making me run back and fourth getting them plain cups of ice.

Finally 12:00 rolls around I pass the metaphorical coffee baton to the poor bastard who has the evening shift.

Deniz and Laurynn follow me out to my car, hyping me up for the interview the whole way. They stand outside my house while I'm changing and follow me until I'm standing in front of the NYU building.

"You go in there and you kill it."

"They'll be lucky to have you queen."

"Go get 'em tiger."



"Bark bark bark bark bark woof woof hissssss."

The two of them 'encourage' me all the way to the door. I can't lie they did make me feel better about the interview.

I nervously sit outside the office and tap my foot on the ugly ass shit colored carpet. Soon a old man with white hair and a beer belly strode out of the office. I stood up and held out my hand for him to shake, immediately regretting that after I saw he had meaty pig fingers.

"Aven Brookes, sir." I introduced myself.

"Ah, a pleasure to meet you Ms. Brookes, I'm Mr. Dover." He shook my hand and gestured for me to enter his office. I took a seat in one of two the brown leather chairs in front of his desk. He settled himself on the other side in a tall chair that made him seem important.

"Can I get you a tea? Coffee maybe?" He offers and I shake my head.

"No, I'm all set." I say, holding up my gallon sized jug of my homemade pool water flower petal stew, that I named Harriet.

"All right, Ms. Brookes I'm going to be frank with you, because the author doesn't want to write out a bunch of boring dialogue. But the readers have most likely read duplicity so they know what happens anyway." He explained, I nodded.

"Now, your portfolio isn't good enough for us, but I do know a way for you to get it up there. You've heard of Duplicity right?" I nodded.

"Who hasn't? I heard one of their songs on the way here, and you have a poster of them right behind you." I pointed behind him and he turned around, embarrassed.

"Oh, um. My daughter's a big fan, so." I nodded, pretending not to notice the naked photo shoot that did peaking out from under a painting to my right.

"Anyway, back to Duplicity. They're looking for a new photographer to go on tour with them. They're paying through the nose because they've chased off at least 3 in the last few months." My eyes widened at his request. I need the money and the experience but on the other hand, it's duplicity.

"Can I have some time to pretend to think about it?" The man nodded and showed me out of his office.

Laurynn and Deniz were sitting on the hood of my car because they realized after we got here that they took my car and can't get home until I'm done. I fill them in on the proposal.

"You have to do it. It's the chance of a lifetime! Plus they replaced Quincy with that new guy Liam." Laurynn pointed out.

"What she said." Deniz agreed, more focused on the bag of chips she got from the vending machine than the conversation.

"I don't know, I'm gonna sleep on it." I say, pretending I don't know the outcome already.


And so, Aven went home and ate her beloved stew and consulted her Grandmother. She then slept for 19 hours until she came to the conclusion that she was going to take that opportunity.

1 month later...

Today was the day I finally got out of my boiled potatoes town and see the world. And even better I was doing it with my best friends! Laurynn's journalism dreams were coming true because she got an offer to do an article called "behind the scenes of duplicity." Deniz got a job doing the lights for all their concerts and so we're all going on the road together!

I said goodbye to my sister and my grandma at the airport and had to run around the airport to find Deniz and Laurynn. I finally found them arguing with a flight attendant about bringing a bottle of apple juice onto the plane.

I guess they're pretty good debaters bc they walked away smiling and came over to sit next to me.

"You know it's crazy to think that in a few hours we'll be on the greatest adventure of our lives." Laurynn observed, looking at the time on her phone.

"And there's no one I'd rather be doing it with than you guys." I said in a fake sappy voice.

"Awww Aven." Laurynn played into it, standing up to hug me. "Denny get your ass in this group hug." She demanded.

"No, no, no, no! Stop it!" Deniz yelled as we pulled her into our hug so she was in between me and Laurynn.

"I hate you guys." She said fondly.

"We hate you too."

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