Chapter 11

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Laurynn texted Deniz and I to tell us she grabbed us breakfast and was already on the tour bus and to hurry our asses up.

The night before I stayed in Laurynn's room for hours while she tried to get me to tell them what happened and when I was crying. But the most frustrating thing was I didn't know either. I don't know what came over me on the rooftop with Harry, all I know is that there's going to be hell to pay the next time I see him.

Around 1 am I timidly snuck into my hotel room, Harry nowhere in sight. I didn't sleep at all that night. I was too worried Harry had snuck into my room and was like camouflaged against the wall like Peeta from the hunger games or something and if I fell asleep he would murder me.

So needless to say I was basically a zombie the next morning. Deniz practically carried me to our bus. I told Laurynn I would eat her croissant later and then promptly collapsed into one of the tour bunks. Finally in a Harry free zone I allowed myself to drift off to sleep.


I wake up with a jolt and bang my head on a hard surface above me. I quickly get my bearings, I'm still on the tour bus but I just had the weirdest dream. I rub my forehead where I hit the roof of my bunk, it's on the exact opposite side of my forehead than my stitches.

"Hey. You okay?" A voice called from the bunk directly across from mine. I peeled the curtain open and saw a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes starting back at me.

"Yeah, just a bit of a weird dream that's all." She smiled and stuck her hand out.

"I'm Anael, I do hair and makeup, mostly hair because all of them are too alpha male for makeup." I laugh and take her hand.

"Hey Anael, I'm Aven I'm the photographer."

"Oh! You're the one who passed out! Is your head okay?" I nodd, lightly touching my healing stitches.

"Yeah I'm doing okay, thanks for asking though." I slide out of my bunk and check the time. We're almost in Atlantic City! Finally I can get off this bus. I walk into the lounge area of the bus where most of the female crew members are. Deniz, Laurynn and Anael were sat next to a girl I hadn't seen since the last time I was with Duplicity.

"Emily! Hi, I haven't seen you all tour." I shake her hand and she smiles at me.

"Oh, I don't go out much, the concerts are pretty much my whole life." Emily answers with a smile. Anael shakes her head next to her.

"She too scared to go into bars and clubs because she's not legal." Emily smacks Anael's arm.

"I am not scared! I just appreciate sleep." She defended.

"You appreciate it so much you've never gone out with us once? What's the real reason." Anael presses, I could see Emily get a bit uncomfortable.

"Becuase." Emily said quietly, twisting the hem of her sweatshirt between her fingers.

"Ugh you're ridiculous." Anael complained as we pulled into the back lot of the hotel.

"Oh look we're here!" Laurynn yelled happily, trying to break the awkward silence. I grab my backpack off the leather couch and follow everyone else into the hotel. The five of us check in together and we each get our respective keycards. As soon as Emily's key was in her hand she practically ran over to the stairs, skipping the elevator entirely even though the whole staff was on the 67th floor.

Her legs must be ripped.

I stayed with the group as we turned the corner to the Elevators. There stood the band and Alex, my throat tightened a little at seeing Harry for the first time since locking him out last night. Surely he wouldn't try anything in front of Alex, Deniz, Laurynn and Anael, right?

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