Chapter 12

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Germany POV

Poland frowned," I don't like this."

" It's an abandoned, dark, bloodstained, abandoned hospital. Who would like it," said Germany.

They had managed to find the hospital, and it was terrifying. Bloodstains everywhere, beds and tables thrown around, scalpels and syringes were bloody and everywhere.

" It's like someone raged a war in here," whispered Poland, as if someone would hear them.

" Maybe they did," Germany whispered back," Maybe they were fighting over medicine."

" Let's just find what we need," whispered Poland," Then we'll get out of here."

Germany started looking around, he and Poland both had pistols in hand, safety off. Germany searched through cabinets and after an hour of looking, he came across the medicine he needed.

" Is it enough," asked Poland.

" More than enough," said Germany," Let's get the hell out of here."

Their sore legs carried them out of town fast. They slowed their pace when they made it into the surrounding forest, heading towards the safe point.

" Hey Germany," said Poland," Somethings not right."

" What's wrong," said Germany," Are you sick?"

" No no no, I'm perfectly fine," said Poland," But something doesn't add up."

" What is it," said Germany.

" There weren't any cannibals in a cannibal infested town," said Poland," It doesn't make sense."

Germany thought for a second. She was right, that was strange.

" What if...," Germany, trailed off.

" They could still be lurking around the safe point," Poland finished his thought.

They looked at each other for a moment, then they ran. The pain in their legs and their exhaustion forgotten. They had to get back quick. They had to save Philippines.

Then they had to stop a swarm of cannibals from eating their friends.

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