Chapter 9

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Russia POV

To fast. To fast. Canada fell face first onto the ground. Dead. It all happened to fast. But even in his blond panic, Russia knew he made the right choice.

The cannibals had stopped, and were now looking around confused. China's whip cracked through the air, well, not a whip. A tentacle. The people panicked and ran off. Some tried to grab Canada's body, but America shooed them off. He seemed determined to at least give his brother a grave to rest in, not a stomach.

America dragged Canada's boy away, towards the woods to dig a grave. He wasn't going to bury him near the others thankfully.

Russia realized that he was still holding the pistol, his finger hovering over the trigger. He finally dropped the weapon and started towards the healers hut. His hip was screaming in pain from the run, his head started pounding. To fast. To fast.

He sat down in his comfortable chair by the window and sighed. To fast. To fast. Then he grabbed his notepad and started frantically drawing, he had to drown out the memories. Tonight hadn't helped.

Just keep suffering.


America POV

A Week Later...

No one had stood and grieved for Canada, not even America. He was lying awake now, looking at the ceiling, thinking. What had made Canada snap?

Pip had told America about how after Canada saved him from the fire, he went with the remainder of scientists and guards from the lab. Had he decided to carry out their fathers work? Did he also want to complete the project their mother died for? America didn't know.

Russia's head was rested on America's shoulder and his hand was holding Ame's. He was asleep, peaceful for the first time in weeks. America smiled. It didn't matter why Canada did what he did. Russia seemed to manage some peace of mind since Canada died. It's most likely because Canada's death meant confirmed peace.

He kissed Russia's forehead and pulled the blanket up over both their shoulders. Then he settled in to sleep. Sure, his brother died. But it wasn't like he and his brother had a very good relationship. He wasn't sad. He was relieved.

Canada's death meant peace.

He was just drifting off when the door was slammed open. Russia and America both were startled and almost feel out of the bed. Vietnam stood at the door and was looking around frantically.

" WHERES GERMANY," he cried.

" In his shack," said America," Why, what's happening?"

" Philippines has a fever," said Vietnam," And she started coughing."

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