That is what gave Vena the idea to create her mind like a meadow in the first place. The idea to collect her memories and cultivate them into flowers, or to bury them, like her family had taught her.

She may of taken the 'burying your feelings' thing too seriously, but she was twelve when she had formed the meadow in her mind, so give her a break.

The days leading up to Christmas left everyone's patience strained. But tradition was tradition, and Merlin forbid that the Malfoy women weren't going to have their traditions continue.

As a part of tradition, every Christmas Eve, Draco and Vena have a sleepover. It used to be because they were so excited to open their presents that they couldn't sleep. So instead, they would spend the whole night talking, until they passed out around four in the morning. Then, somehow, they would manage to take up at eight or nine, ready to open their presents.

This year was no exception.

That night, Vena and Draco were in Vena's room. It was black and silver, with touches of green everywhere.

There was no red and gold to be seen.

Draco laid in Vena's bed, while she was at her vanity putting her hair in two dutch braids.

He was flipping through her many books of potions, when he flippantly said, "I'm planning on asking Stella out. For Hogsmeade, you know, on Valentine's day."

Vena's eyes lit up, and she quickly tied off her braid before turning to her brother. "Oh that's so exciting! Then you two can stop whining to me about the other! I can't wait for you two to finally be together. I'm getting sick of you two."

Draco hummed.

Vena furrowed her brows. "Hold on. I thought you didn't want to be with her because she's a Half-blood."

Her brother shrugged. "I said I was going to ask her out, not that we were dating. Besides, she looks like she could be fun in bed. It's always the innocent ones."

Vena's jaw dropped, and in her anger she grabbed her hairbrush and threw it at him. She smirked at him when the brush hit him on the forehead. "Don't just ask my friend out so you can shag her! She deserves much more than that."

The mark on Draco's forehead was becoming much more prominent. "Oh get over yourself Vi. If you really want, I won't ask her out. I wasn't even planning on making it a date; I just want to get to know my sister's friends better."

"You've known her for five years, and now you want to get to know her?"

"Yes, I believe I just said that."

"You are literally the most idiotic prick I have ever met. You know, I can't wait for you to ask out Stella to 'get to know her' and watch it blow up in your face."

"I didn't think it would be a big deal!"

Vena threw her moisturizer at him, which sadly, had hit the wall behind Draco after he had ducked. "Why wouldn't you think it would be a big deal?"

Draco sighed. "Look, even if both of her parents are wizards, she's still not a Pureblood. Doesn't that bother you? Ruining a tradition like that?"

Vena looked at her brother, her eyes filled with pity. "Draco, she's my friend. Of course it doesn't bother me. That type of stuff doesn't bother me."

"What happened to you?"

Vena shrugged. "I realized that we all go to the same school. That there are Half-bloods in Slytherin, and Pure-bloods in Gryffindor. Things didn't turn out the way that I thought it would, but it's not so bad. I'm just more progressive than you now. Maybe I just don't have any interest in marrying my cousin."

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