Pt. 20

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 20: 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒏𝒐 𝑯𝒐𝒈𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝑯𝒂𝒈𝒓𝒊𝒅

Me and Tom start battling each other letting out both of our anger. I use my barrier, water, fire, and telekinesis.

Harry was god knows where. Ginny's still passed out getting weaker every second. Here I am getting weaker as I use my powers trying to defeat the younger version of Voldemort.

"Come on, Potter. You and your useless powers are no match for me." Tom says. I glare at him and shoot fire out of my palms. He dodges them and starts shooting multiple hexes at me.

"Just give up! And join me! We'll rule the whole world!" Tom shouts.

"You think I'd join an evil person like you?!" I shout back. I grab my wand from the floor and start shouting countless spells at him.

Deflecting them, Harry runs out and drops down by Ginny.

"Yes, Potter. The process is nearly complete in a few minutes Ginny Weasley will be dead, and I will cease to be a memory." Tom says looking Harry.

"Voldemort will return...very much alive.." Right after Tom said that. The basilisk shoots out of the water startling me and Harry. I look at the hat and see a sword.

I run to the Hat and yank out the sword. I turn towards Harry. I nod towards him and he furrows his brows.

I turn towards the snake and began to speak to it. Tom looks appalled and Harry looks worried.

"Get me!" I hiss towards the basilisk. The snake strikes forward but I spin to the side and start climbing the statue.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" Harry asks. I don't answer him and make it to the top of the statue.

I shoot fire in front of the Basilisk face making it screech in pain. It gave me the opportunity to slice open one of its eyes even tho it's already blind.

It screech's out in more pain. I smirk as Toms jaw opens in shock.

"Harry!" I shout to my brother. He looks up at me and I toss him the sword. He catches it and starts to climb the statue as well.

I jump down from the statue and apparat behind Tom. He jumps in surprise and I smirk at him before I set his robes on fire.

He jumps and quickly sets water on his robes while glaring at me. I hear a cling sound at notice Harry had fell.

I gasp and run past Tom looking at Harry who is trying to reach the sword. I use my telekinesis and hand him the sword. He stabs the inside of the basilisk mouth while getting a tooth stuck in his right arm.

He takes out the sword and we watch as the basilisk screeches and falls on to the chamber floor....Lifeless.

I then feel something sharp go through my stomach. I look down and see another sword through my stomach. I look behind me and see Tom looking at me with a smirk.

Harry's eyes widen as he looks at me with a sword stabbed through my stomach. Tom takes back the sword and I fall down onto the floor.

Tom starts speaking to Harry about the venom of the basilisk and that he has more than a minute to live.

"Disappointing that your sister didn't wanna join me. Guess she'll have to die in here with Ginny as well." Tom says looking at me. I feel my wound getting worse by the second as I look at a worried Harry.

"Funny. A silly little book can do to a silly little girl." Tom says with a evil smile on his face. Harry then looks at the book then me. I nod understanding what he's about to do.

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