Chapter 8 - Part 3

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Just before he could give into unconsciousness the loud click of the massive metal doors' mechanism resounded in the empty stone hallway and at the same time loud footsteps approached. As soon as he became aware of his surroundings again Haiden saw Master Rwoy approaching Master Coner. Or what he hoped to be Master Rwoy, thinking that only he could help the slave.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Master Coner said unconcerned of the whimpering slave beside him.

Haiden's eyelids closed and opened with exhaustion, he didn't hear the man's full reply but he strained every ounce of strength to remain conscious ".... reserved the salve for later, but I couldn't find it in the den." The man said. Haiden could see him smiling but his blurry vision gave way to blobs and shapes. Who he hoped to be Master Rwoy was ignoring the terrified child whose hand was bruised from Master Coner grip. Not even once looking at her.

"Ah, I didn't know you had reserved it, there wasn't anything in the logg." he said suspiciously.

"It was rather impromptu, couldn't deal with all the logistics, Coner."

"Well, tough luck, It is going with me." he said in a forceful manner. Haiden could barely pay attention to the conversation, his head spun around. He heard the mysterious man sigh deeply and forced himself to pay attention but coudn't. He had missed his next words only to, again, hear the end of his sentence.

"... and how expensive they are."

"Fine! Take It." Master Coner spit angrily and threw Mara on the ground. The girl didn't say anything and laid there for a moment before picking herself up and taking her place behind the man.

"Thank you for your understanding, Coner." And with that they left Master Coner retreat behind the metal doors and they went into the darkness disappearing from Haiden's view.

As soon as he could gather the strength to walk, Haiden, followed them towards the exit only to find Mara alone just beyond the palace door.

"M-mara?" Haiden called out. The girl turned slowly to face him, she looked terrified, her whole body still trembling. "Mara, where's Master Rwoy, did he leave for the lecture?" he asked. She simply looked at him and shook her head. "Then where is he?" The girl just shrugged and ran away.


"I'm telling you! He has a clone!!" Maree insisted.

"Don't be daft, it must've been someone else. Haiden, you said you were feeling woozy, maybe you mistook Master Rwoy for someone else. I'm more concerned on what was Master Coner doing with a slave."

"I don't know, Cams. He always seemed a bit perverted to me, but to go as low as a slave. I would rather fuck a chair." Maree said nonchalantly while throwing his arms in the air in a shrug.

"Shut up you idiot! You know it's forbidden by law to..." Camila lowered her voice. "Have relations with a slave. Besides," she reverted back to her normal voice. "Makes my skin crawl just thinking how dirty those things are."

"Which reminds me. Before I started at the Academy my father got into an argument with the trader for the lack of immature slaves. Said there was a huge shortage."

"That's very strange, I must admit. My family is acquainted with some breeders and they always make sure they have plenty of progeny before selling them off. Good thing that whoever that was didn't let that slave go to waste, it should rather valuable now if there's a low supply and being the only one at the Academy. Second years will be fighting who gets dibbs." Camila then went on to detail a particular deal her father made with the slave trader that made them a fortune

COMPLETED Remembrance of Self | Fantasy | LGBTQTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang