Chapter 11: Adorable

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Raven was really hoping to get at least an hour of research before getting interrupted by one of the residents in the Manor. But of course, someone had to barge in after 15 minutes. She had just finished reading the chapter on effects of memory charms, when Bruce barged in with Dick. Bruce had his usual expressionless face, even when he saw his own son lying on the bed unconscious. Raven wondered if the Batman ever shows his emotions. Dick on the other hand was the total opposite. His face was still red from laughing previously, and his white shirt is full of dirt now, probably from rolling on the floor just now. Bruce was about to speak when Dick cut him off.

"Okay, as funny as Damian calling you mum was, i think we do need to understand what happened", Dick said, still trying to controlling himself from laughing when he thought of Damian calling Raven mum. 

Raven sighed and allowed the levitating book to rest on her lap.  

"Basically, Constantine used a memory charm on Damian", Raven explained. 

There was a moment of silence  among the three superheroes, not counting the unconscious one on the bed. 

"What are the effects? How to we break the charm?", Bruce continued asking.

"Well, based on what I know about memory charms and what i have been reading before you guys barged in," Raven frowned slightly, "Constantine used a basic memory charm, meaning Damian will remember all the basic knowledge, such as speaking and walking, but any other more complicated knowledge, like memories of being Robin and all his fighting techniques are completely wiped."

Bruce started frowning, apparently not enjoying the fact that his son has forgotten everything , possibly including his own father. 

"And how does that explain him calling you mum...", Dick asked.

Heat crawled up Raven's neck and cheeks as she remembered how Damian hugged her, as if for his life, and called her mum while staring at her with those scared, yet still beautiful, jade green eyes. And again, there was this warm feeling in Raven's chest. 

"Well, that would be explained by science...A human always recognize and perceive the first being they see as their parents, just like how a baby recognizes his mother", Raven explained.

Silence followed as Bruce and Dick digested the information.

"So basically, our dear Dami has no memories, no fighting skills, and is basically a talking and walking baby that perceived you to be his mother?", Dick summarized.

Raven simply nodded. That was a ridiculous, yet truthful way of explaining the situation.

"And how to we break this charm?", Bruce asked again.

"Umm, i don't we can. Memory charms are extremely complicated and any attempts to break it might result in us breaking Damian's mind. The safest way is to just wait for the charm to wear off, which is in exactly", Raven glanced at the clock, "Forty-Seven hours", Raven explained.

Silence again...The atmosphere in the room was getting tense, most likely due to the fact that the Batman was not happy. he can't believe Constantine, whom he had personally invited to join the League, just wiped his son's memories. He made a mental note to stick a batarang up John's ass during the next League meeting. 

"Dick, can I have a few minutes along with Raven to discuss some things?", Bruce asked, though it sounded more like an order.

As soon as Dick stepped out of the room, Bruce took a few steps towards Raven. 

"Raven, i know this is a lot to ask of you, but i would need your help to uh...take care of Damian for the time being. With the current situation, i think it will be best for him not to meet anybody other than you, to prevent any unnecessary confusion. I will tell the Titans to proceed back to the Tower while Damian's brother an I shall move to our respective personal apartments. I shall leave Alfred here in case you require any assistance", Bruce said.

Raven was speechless. Bruce Wayne, the freaking Batman, just asked for her help. And she would be along, well as along as she could be with Damian and a butler, in the freaking Wayne Manor! No to mention the certain facilities underneath the Manor. Raven could imagine Garfield screaming in frustration if he finds out he's gonna miss the chance to explore the Batcave.

"Of course, Mr Wayne", Raven said, with a small smile out of respect.

Smiling, Bruce started to walk towards the door. Before he closed the door, he looked back at Raven. "Thank you Raven, and Bruce will do just fine", He said, before closing the door.


Alone with Damian again, that was starting to become a frequent thing for Raven for the past few days. She got off the couch and proceeded to sit beside Damian on the bed. She still had to think of her actions when the sleeping spell wears off, but right now, she was too distracted to do so. 

Raven had never imagined this scene. Her sitting on the bed, next to a sleeping Damian without a katana in his hands, or perhaps under his pillows. Although she never told Damian, she actually knows everything about him from the time she looked into his head while healing him. She knows about his past, the pain mostly, and also all of his habits. In fact, she doesn't just know it all, she could feel it. The suffering, the pressure from his legacies, both of them, from his fathers side and his mother's side. His childhood, not unlike Raven's, was basically non existent. He has been scaling mounting during a snow storm since the age of four, holding a sword since the age of 5, and took his first life at the age of 6. Perhaps that was why Raven was able to tolerate his horrible attitude for the first few months at Titans Tower. She knows what it is like to reject her destiny, and she knows about the struggle he has to go thought everyday to prevent himself to reverting back to the assassin he was brought up to be. In their own ways, they are both fighting their own demons.

Yet, she knew there was an angel inside him. She has seen it. Behind the insufferable 15-year old assassin was a small, lonely child, craving for the love he never received. Behind those emotional walls is a scared, yet kind and generous soul that would do anything to protect those that he loves. 

The Damian now, lying on the bed, is who he wishes to be. An innocent child who is loved by his parent, though Raven wished one of the parent wasn't her. 

Raven placed on of her hands on Damian's cheeks. It was soft and warm, definitely not what she expected from the world's most dangerous assassin. she could feel the small scars  under his jaws, no doubt made by non other than Talia Al Gul. But it did nothing to destroy his face. Those green eyes, with that perfect jawline and cinnamon skin formed a beautiful, handsome face. The usual cold Damian always scowled, hiding away some of his beauty. Now lying calmly and relaxed on the bed, Raven couldn't help by admire that handsome face. 

How she wished she could hug it and run her hand through his hair, giving him the love he never had. 

How she wished she could just kiss those soft lips...

Wait what in the world is she thinking of again? Curse those damn hormones, Raven thought. That is her teammate lying there's he need to concentrate on how to help him, not how to kiss him. Kissing him would help him though...

Sighing, she took her hand away from his face. 

She held one of Damian's hand is her own and slouched against the chair she was sitting on.

As she looked at Damian's face one last time before falling asleep to the beautiful morning sun, only one word came to her mind.


Yes, she admitted it to herself. Damian Wayne, without those emotional barriers and cold, hand exterior, is adorable.

Sometimes, admitting is better than hiding. Keeping it in your heart would only hurt yourself, and even others.

Raven's eyes closed, not knowing what will happen when she opened them again, but was not afraid.

It is just Damian after all.

Author's Notes
And here it is
The explanation to everything.

This is just part of the main plot but i do hope you like where this is going?
Do let me know in the comments
A little bit of Damirae moment here, i thought it was pretty well done, short and sweet chapter
Hope you guys enjoy!!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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