Chapter 7: Dinner with The Bats

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Raven could still remember the images that appeared in her head. Those images was horrifying, showing the earth and area around Titans tower completely destroyed. Yet, it wasn't the surroundings that scared Raven, it was the person involved.

Who was that woman in white Azarathrean cloak?

More importantly, what does Damian has to do with her?

In the images, Raven saw Damian dying in her arms, was it because of the woman?

Raven was determined to find out. She wasn't sure if those images in her headaches was just random visions, it seemed so memories. Nevertheless, she would do anything to ensure that things in the images never happen. As insufferable Damian can be at times, he has been a dear friend, in fact the only person Raven would consider as a friend, to her for the past few months. She will not let anything happen to him

However, she realized that it wasn't exactly that this wasn't exactly the best time to think about the headache now. Bruce said that dinner begins in one hour, that was fifty minutes ago. She has ten minutes to get changed into something comfortable and make her way to...actually where did she need to go. Back in Titans tower, they has a small table in the kitchen for dining. Raven wasn't sure if it would apply to the Wayne Manor. For all she knew, they probably have a dining room.

She quickly grabbed a pair of jeans and a oversized T-shirt to change in the toilet. In Los Angeles, the Titans had to share a single toilet. In the Wayne Manor, each room had their own toilet. Sometimes, Raven really wish the Titans had a larger budget, maybe they wouldn't have to fight for the toilet then.

As she got undressed, she stared at herself in the mirror. The same pale face she saw every time stared back. People has said she was beautiful before, though not like the models in Victoria Secret. It was more of a dangerous beautiful, like...well... a demoness. Her dark hair, with the slightest hint of blue, provided the perfect contrast to her pale skin. Her eyes was of an unnatural blue, many called it amethyst. It was a shade of blue and purple that didn't exist on Earth, only supernatural creatures have such a color. Actually, now that she think about it, Damian also has a unnatural eyes color. It was a gorgeous, majestic and dangerous jade green, which doesn't exist among humans

What would Damian think of this look? Would he like a pale skinned demoness with unnatural colored eyes and the tendency to grow another two eyes when she is nervous or during a battle?

Wait a minute, Raven thought, what is she thinking? Why does she care about what Damian thinks of her? Its not like its important, is it?

Raven shook her head, trying to shake these thoughts away. Emotions were dangerous for her, she might lost control of her powers, hurting everyone in the manor, or worse, letting her father out of this

She quickly got changed and headed out of her room. She was about to head to the kitchen and find out where they are going to have supper, when she realized she had no idea where the kitchen was either.

She turned around, finding herself facing Damian's room. She contemplated knocking and asking for his help. But what would he think of her. Would he think that she is weak and useless? Would he be annoyed at her for asking for help?

Wait, since when does she care about what Damian Wayne thinks?

Raven was about to wander about the Manor and with luck, might stumble upon the kitchen. But she was stopped by he opening of the door that she was staring at.

She was greeted by Damian, now dressed in a black turtle neck and jeans not unlike her own. Classic of him. Though Raven would never admit it, she thought that dark colored turtlenecks really suited Damian, complimenting his amazing jade colored eyes. Together with the perfect jawline, Raven almost thought he was handsome, though admittedly a little short for her.

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