Chapter 10: Babysitting

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The training room was the definition of chaos.

Bruce was at the side, panting from chasing Constantine across the training room. The rest of the guests and residents in the Wayne Manor were gathered in the middle of the room, trying to figure out what the heck just happened. To them, all they saw was John Constantine and Damian Wayne sizing each other up, or at least Damian trying to size Constantine up, and with a wave of his hand, Constantine cost Damian to crumple to the floor. The next thing they knew, the big bat himself was chasing Constantine around, only to find him disappearing in a column of smoke.

Long story short, it was an embarrassing defeat for Damian.

Now Damian lay unconscious on the floor, his head resting on Raven's thighs. There were screaming and shouting all around Raven as the rest of the Titans tried to figure out what to do. But of course, Raven knew exactly what was going on, she knew exactly what Constantine did. Sometimes, she did agree with the other Demons she met in hell, John Constantine's soul really is damned to hell.

Raven's mind was in a mess now, and part of that was the scent of cinnamon that invaded her mind. It smelt so...unlike anything she have ever experienced. She only got a whiff of it once, in her room the previous night when she hugged Damian. Along with that, she was also trying to access the situation, which is not easy with about a dozen people screaming at her. However, being the only magic user in the Manor, she knew she had to take charge of the situation.

She straightened her back and cleared her throat, demanding attention from everyone. Silence immediately engulfed the room, everyone knew what happened when Raven got angry, it is not a pretty scene.

With seriousness in her tone, Raven started to explain the situation. "As all of you can probably tell, Damian is currently unconscious from a spell that Constantine used on him. From my knowledge, the spell's effect should be, but not limited to, lost of memo-".

Raven was cut off by a pair of arms wrapped around her torso, almost suffocating her. Her mind was once again invaded by that smell of cinnamon as she felt a head in between the crook of her neck. There was a fuzzy feeling inside her chest, both warm yet unfamiliar. Physically though, she was frozen, unable to react to what just happened. Damian Al Gul Wayne, the emotionless assassin, the rude bastard is now hugging her as if his life depended on it.

If one thought the room couldn't be any quieter, her or she must be wrong. Bruce has now also joined in the road, staring at the scene before him. His son, who had only hugged him twice, is now hugging one of his teammates with no obvious sign of discomfort. In fact, he seems to enjoy the physical contact. But what makes matter worse is that his son is hugging the daughter of the Devil, the walking doorway to hell, the single identity that could be the doom of Earth. Bruce didn't really feel comfortable with his son hugging a living bomb.

Raven meanwhile, is starting to realise that awkwardness that hung in the air. She knew she had to react before the situation go tout of hand. She placed her hand on Damian's shoulders and pulled him away from her body. Damian's eyes were squeezed shut and his fists were clenched. Raven could sense some feelings coming off him, some of which were definitely foreign to him. There was fear, confusion, distrust and...Wait where was the anger. There is always anger coming off Damian, even when they are having their morning tea while watching the sunrise. Raven had gotten use to the presence of anger around him, now that it is gone, Raven felt...a little empty.

"Damian? Are you okay?"Raven asked with as much concern as she could put into her voice, which was quite difficult for her.

Slowly, Damian's eyes started to open. His facial expression relaxed and his fist unclenched. There was an unusual change in Damian's look from his usual self. His eyebrows were no longer knitted together to show his constant frustration and anger, his eyes no longer contain danger and distrust that he shows everyone, his entire body was more relaxed and no longer tense as if anticipating an attack from anyone nearby. 

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