Chapter 9: John

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At this point, Damian had no idea what in Hell just happened, and considering that he had actually visited Hell before, that was not a good sign.

He remembered bringing Raven to the garden...

He remembered Raven falling on top of him...

He remembered the feeling of Raven's body against his, and their face so close together that he could feel her hot breath on his forehead.

But after they reached the greenhouse enclosure, everything went out of control, at least to Damian.

Did he actually asked to name the orchids after Raven? Not that it was a bad idea...It is true that he was reminded immediately about Raven as soon as he saw the orchids. But asking her to name the orchids after her? No...something is wrong. He is supposed to be trained to remain clear-minded at all times, that is vital to be the best assassin in the world. What he did back in the enclosure? Definitely not something a clear-minded person will do. In fact, he couldn't even remember why he brought Raven there in the first place.

And her hand...Yes...He could still feel her hand on his shoulders. Damian was surprised that he didn't pull a knife out of nowhere and cut Raven's hand off, at least that's what he did to the last guy that touched him. But this is Raven...She's different...right? At this point, every thing that happened is a mystery to Damian. It was as if for the first time in his life, he had no control over his actions and emotions, and that is driving him crazy.

But that was one thing was sure of...He liked it.

He liked the feeling of being close to Raven.

He liked the feeling of sharing something with Raven.

He liked the feeling of her hands on his shoulder.

He likes...Raven?

No no no no no...This is wrong. He is suppose to be a emotionless assassin, not like those teenage boys being obsessed with a girl. He needs to look into this, and find out how to stop it.

But not now. For now, fatigue has overcame him and he collapsed  on his bed. Surrounded by the warmth of blankets and pillows on his king-sized bed in his room, he suddenly felt the desire to sleep for the first time in a long while. Of course, he knew he would probably have the same dream about the girl in while cloak again, but he will have to put up with it.

Just another normal thing in his life as a superhero.


There were 2 distinct sound in Raven's room.

One of it was the sound of her boots clacking against the expensive wooden floor. She had been pacing around her room for almost half an hour now ever since she got back from the greenhouse enclosure.

The second sound was of her grunting in frustration. She was angry, but not at Damian, instead at herself.



What had she done? Of course, that answer was easily answered. The image of those pair of green eyes staring at her was still seared in her mind. While getting lost in those green vortexes, she had let her emotions gotten the better of her, allowing herself to put her hand on Damian's shoulder.

But was it wrong of her to do that? She had never done such a thing before, not to Kori, not to Dick and definitely not to the rest of the team. Why did she do it to Damian?

That was the question she couldn't answer. She was tempted to swear in all 35 languages that she knew, or maybe she would just throw an actual curse at the wall.

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