Chapter 8: Ravens

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The hallways were surprisingly silent as Raven followed Damian. She had expected to see Mr Wayne to start pulling his hair out from the noise that the Titans is gonna make, or at least that what she wants to do at night almost everyday during the first year she became a Titan. Over the time, she has gotten used to meditating in a slightly noisy environment and refrain from tearing the souls off her teammates's bodies. 

However, the hallways were literally silent, as if the Titans never arrived. Raven had her suspicion that Bruce Wayne's glare had left a impression in the Titan's minds, probably scaring them enough to not do anything to piss him off, including making too much noise.

The only sound Raven could hear was her combat boots and Damian's shoes hitting against the ground, reverberating through the long hallway.

As Raven walked behind Damian, she started to think about the life in the Wayne Manor all the way until the fundraiser party is over. That would be about 2 weeks, meaning Raven would need to spend her birthday here. That would certainly bring some inconvenience, probably even creating a risk for anyone in the Wayne Manor, but that would be a problem for another time.

Damian suddenly stopped in front of a large set of doors. Raven, deep in thought, didn't manage to brake in time. Her body bumped into Damian's, and her arms instinctively gripped onto Damian's shoulders. However, it was not enough to break her fall. Raven managed to tangle her leg with Damian's, causing her to lose balance even further. 

Her body weight pushed against Damian, causing both of them to crash against the door. apparently, the doors were not locked. How did Raven figured that out? Well she deuced it the moment she realise the door gave away easily due to hers and Damian's weight, slinging open. 

A blast of cold air blew against her face as she fell onto the grass-filled ground. She could feel the  vegetation below her hands, which were supporting her body, preventing her to being flat against the ground. 

Raven would have stayed in that position for a few more moments, trying to regain her senses. However, the green eyes that was staring at her immediately waked her up. 

The two of them stared at each other, their individual breaths moving the other. Raven could feel the beating of Damian's heart resonated against her chest. She could feel his hot breath against her neck, which sent a shiver down her spine. 

Her own heart hammering in her chest, she stammered,"Sorry, I'm squashing you, I'll just get up..."

She quickly got off Damian and started to brush the grass and dirt off her shirt. She intentionally faced away from Damian, which is the only way she could think of to prevent eye contact. She could still feel the ghost of his hot breath on her neck and those jade green pupils staring right at her. It was...mesmerising.

As Raven regained her composure, she started to get bombarded by feelings from Damian. There was anger, no surprise there. There is always anger radiating off Damian, even when he is meditating with her on the roof of Titans tower. But there was something else this time. There was embarrassment, a tinge of annoyance and...lust?

The great Damian Al Gul Wayne, the emotionless assassin was feeling lust towards her?

Raven didn't know if she should be surprised or scared. 

Before she could continue her train of thoughts, Damian got up from the ground.

Brushing the dirt off his turtleneck, he said, "Its fine, let's get going."

To others, it might seem that Damian was not bothered by what happened at all. But Raven wasn't just 'others', she could sense the feelings from Damian not just with her empathic abilities but also through the mental link with him. She knew that underneath that nonchalant look, there was a bundle of feelings threatening to break loose.

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