Chapter 4: Thoughts and Emotions

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The sparring match turned out a lot different than he expected.

It was not the first time Damien sparred with Raven, but all of those times, Raven used her magic against Damien. Others might see this as being unfair, physical fighting just seemed inferior to to magical combat, but Damien just saw this as another challenge in his life that the League of Assassins prepared him for. Believe it or not, he was trained in combatting magic wielders.

This sparring match, however, Raven insisted on not using any magic. She still remembered the smirk on his face when he saw her holding the wooden staff. 

Then smirked was quickly wiped off though, with his shattered katana beside his body and Raven's knee on his chest. 

Damien raised both of his hands as a sign of surrender. Raven promptly got off him and offered him a hand.

"i let my guard down this time, it wont happen again", Damien explained.

"Yea sure", Raven said, allowing herself to return him a smirk.

"Anyways, tea?"



The rest of the Titans were already up, making a mess of the kitchen as usual. There was pancaked on the floor from Jaime and Garfield's food fight. Kori has dropped her pancaked on the floor as usual. Seriously, three years on Earth and she still can't use a fork and knife properly, Raven was tempted to just use a spell on her.

Raven sat at the small table right beside the window as Damien went to prepare the green tea. All the noise seemed to go away as the rays of the rising sun bathed the sky in a majestic orange. 

"Never gets old, does it?", Damien said as he sat opposite her, pushing a hot cup of earl green tea in front of her.

"Thanks, and no, it never gets old", Raven replied.

They spent the rest of the morning in silence, watching the sun rise slowly. However, their tranquility was broken by Kori

"Alright, Titans, we are leaving now, grab your bags and gather at the garage!", Kori announced.

As the rest of the Titans rushed to their rooms to get their bags, Raven and Damien continued sitting by the window, finishing the final drops of their tea. They had put their bags in the car hours ago before their sparring match, curtesy of Raven's portal. 

As the two finished their drinks, Raven got up. Swirling her fingers in a familiar motion, purple sparks appeared in the air, slowing widening into a portal to the garage.

"Shall we?", Raven asked

"After you" Damien insisted.


Gotham wasn't that far away from Jump city, but it will still take the Titans all the way till the evening to arrive. All of the Titans were dying from boredom, except the two at the back

Damien had too much on his mind to be bored. 

He stared at the girl in purple cloak besides him, noticing that she was levitating a few centimeters off the seat as she crossed her legs and meditated.

He couldn't help but feel...what's the right word....intrigued. Yes, he was interested in her. However, it wasn't the same interested he displayed when he dived through all of the Titan's files. Those were reserved for those who he didn't trust. Raven was different. She was the only person in his life he felt comfortable with, the only person he felt he could actually trust. He would never admit it, but she seemed like a......what do normal people call it? Ah yes, a friend. The interest he had in him was genuine, simply wanting to know more about her, about her heritage. Perhaps he could even help her with the crystal on her forehead.

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