Chapter 1: A new beginning, or is it old?

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  The boom tube shifted it form slightly and a shadow of a young women appeared. As the girl's form exited the portal, the quantum tunnel collapsed behind her, closing Earth to its biggest threat for the last 2 years. It was suppose to be victory for her, she was finally free of her father, Earth is finally free from the flying abominations known as Paradooms. Yet, her knees gave away under her weight and she sank to the ground, the mud slightly staining her new white cloak. Raven couldn't her but feel something that was nothing but familiar to her: Sadness.

  The boy a few meters away from her was seen immediately rushing to her side. He had previously heaved a sigh of relieve, seeing her passing  through the boom tube back onto Earth was like a blessing from God, if God is still there. He immediately sucked back that sigh when he saw her fall to the ground. There was no wound or other injuries on her, meaning she was not hurt physically. No, the wound was emotional.

  Damian took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze to show his presence and support. Years ago, he would have decapitated anyone who touched him without warning. However, those 'habits' were long behind him and the walls he put up between him and others were crumbling, all thanks to the girl in white cloak before him. Putting his arm below her legs and behind her back, he lifted her up bridal style, and brought her to the nearest flattened rock. Damian put her down gently, grasping Raven's hand in his and allowing her head to rest against his shoulder.

Knowing her, the only emotional connection Raven had with anyone was either himself, Kori and possibly, Clark Kent. All of them were fine and safely on Earth, even though Kori might look like Cyborg's sister. Then, a sudden realisation dawned upon Damien, it seemed almost impossible and ridiculous, yet understandable.

'Your father...' Damien said softly, putting as much tenderness as he could into his voice. Raven looked up and met those wonderful jade green eyes, which once might have annoyed her back to hell, not a pleasant based on personal experience, but now, becoming the most endearing pair of eyes in the world to her. 'You miss him, you feel ashamed and guilty that you left your father behind to fight Darkseid.'

Despite her feelings inside, Raven couldn't help but let out a little smile. Only Damien will be so direct when consoling someone. And only Damien can understand how she felt. Simply put, they both have daddy issues. 'And i thought i was the empath here', Raven replied, trying to sound positive. Damien took off his mask, returning the small smile, but eyes still filled with concern.

'Trigon was well, Trigon, a demon in all ways. You hated him, yet a part of you still longed to be with him, hoping to get love and attention from the father he supposedly was', Damien said. He looked down at Raven's amethyst purple eyes and sensed that he was right.

'Well....He might be literal Satan, but in the end, he still cared for his child, at least i think...', Raven replied, looking for comfort in Damien's eyes.

'Just like father, cold on the outside, warm on the inside, though i doubt a demon like him could be cold on the outside', Damien joked. Raven couldn't help but let out a giggle, which seemed foreign and weird in the destroyed surrounding they were in.

Of course, Batman had to step in this moment to crush everyone's hope. 'The damage has been done, 30% of the Earth's outer core is gone, i estimate another million deaths before we can sort this out, IF we can sort this out'. Despair hung in the air as everyone either looked tot he ground or at each other. Sure, some of them had amazing powers, but restoring the molten core of a planet is way beyond what any of them could do. Only Barry Allen and Constantine seem to have a lovely conversation by the sea.

'How great, you and I can't have a single moment together without the end of the world upon us', Damien complained.

  'At least we are together', Raven suggested. The boy beside him put an arm around her to show a silent agreement. Body contact was something foreign to her, like ice touching her skin, but Damien's embrace was different. It was warm and assuring, giving a sense of protection that even a suit of armour couldn't.

  Suddenly, the Flash could be seen taking off across the water, leaving a streak of red and gold behind him. Yellow lightning surrounded him as the laws of physics bent around the red steak. As Damien and Raven's eyes met, a common understanding passed between them, realising what was happening.

  Where the Flash was running towards initially, an explosion of light could be seen, coming closer towards the collapsed Titans tower.

  'Find me Damien, and admit the feelings like you did back at Arkham, perhaps she might give a desired reply,' Raven said as she melted into those enchanting green eyes. Before she realised it, her hands were cupping Damien's cheek drawing his face closer to hers.

  'I always will, and i won't take no for an answer from you,' Damien said. With a smile, Raven pressed her lips against Damien's surprised at how soft they were. Safe within each others embrace, the two Titans held each other tightly as they shared a kiss as the bright light engulfed them.

Author's Note!!!
Holy crap that was hard. This is my first time attempting to write a book and i never thought describing a scene would be so difficult. But heh, for Damirae,it worth it. This is kinda just a introduction, the real juice starts pouring in in the next chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!

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