School is Hell

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After I was done with all my homework and crying I came out and he forced me into training. I trained until four in the morning then was able to sleep for three hours until I had to go to school. I got up and made my dad break fast.

I saw a knife on the counter. I grabbed and lined it up with my wrist, but didn't cut my self.
"for Jade, she'll come back for me" I said and put the knife, I made my self lunch then left the breakfast for my dad on the table and left the house getting on the bus.

I was greeted with someone throwing a water balloon at me. Then someone tripping me then when I got back up the bus driver surged forward making me fall on someone. It was the popular girls. Oh no... I thought getting off her and rolling my eyes at her fake face. "I'm sorry" I muttered starting to walk away "Why don't you just go away Crock, no one likes you anyways...." She said as I walked to the back of the bus, I tried to ignore the glares and stares and her words.

But when I got to the back I went in my corner and fell asleep and the second I did I felt something leave my side. I looked up and saw a jerk running with my back pack and off the bus, we were at school. I got up and pushed past everyone and ran out of the bus, chasing the freaking jerk that had my back pack.

He ran right in front of me and I jumped tackling him to the ground. It was a jock of course and he had buddy's the came up to us and grabbed my shoulders and pulled me off him. I turned around and punched one in the face to knock him out. then elbowed the other one in the gut then punched him in the chest, and then sweeped him with my legs and made him fall to the floor.

"My bag please..." I said impatiently and he threw it at me.

"Okay okay....I'm sorry just don't hurt me" I glared at him then put my back pack on, walking away.

"Bastards" I mumbled under my breath as I walked into the school, passing Miss Lance and the Principal they stopped me.

"Is everything alright Miss Crock?" The principal said sternly. I glared at him.

"He means Artemis, is there something wrong?" Miss Lance said to me kindly

"For gosh sakes I'm 14, I don't need to be babied by adults" I said shaking Miss Lance's hand off my shoulder.

"Sorry, we just want to make sure all of our students are happy especially our freshmen" she smiled at me and I continued to glare.

"Whatever" I said and walked away.

"Excuse me..." Dinah said and caught up to me.

"What do you want with me" I said frustrated and looked at her.

"I got a call this morning and I was told to tell you your mother is coming home today and will be picking you up" she said and smiled

My eyes widened. Mom. I looked away from Dinah "great" I said and fake smiled that she bought it then walked off.

After school I waited out side for the car that held my mother. I couldn't help but be a little excited. I mean...7 years not seeing my mother. Crazy right.

Artemis -Back Story-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin