Trying to Move

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-Time skip-two 4 years-

Two years later on my 10th birthday I was shocked to here that a Gotham circus had had an accident, two adults fell to their death, I didn't know the details because I wasn't aloud of the room, and I couldn't read well, but I got the news paper. I was depressed for the rest of the day, some kid had lost his parents. I sighed and sat back down on my little twin bed. I cried the rest of the day, I was sore, from both the training and the hitting. Sure i was a natural at the bow and arrow but it was a lot of work and pain to get this good and it was hard.
"It's too hard" I said through tears "it's not fair..." I cried.

-another time skip-3more years-

I was in my room getting my home work done from school when my father burst into the room. He grabbed me by my hair, I screamed.

"Where's the money!!" He shook me by my hair "I know you took it!" He yelled

"I don't know what your talking about!" I screamed starting to cry.

"Liar! You'll pay for lying little girl" I said and threw me on the ground I hit my head and it started bleeding.

He grabbed my drawings of Hero's that I had drawn when I was younger and ripped them to shreds, I screamed "no please no!!!" He ignored me then grabbed my blanket and left.

"No" I said wiping my face crawling over to the ripped papers. "Jade where are you" I cried and fell to the ground, falling asleep there shivering. I was thirteen...I missed my sister. It was the middle of winter and there was no heating in my room and there were holes around the window. I cried until I passed out.

----1 year later-- ((sorry for the time skips))

I woke up the next morning of freshman year and went to school the kids made fun of me pushing me to the ground.
Then in class I was yelled at by the science teacher when I said I didn't finish the homework, again. He called me unsocial and that I was getting Fs in all classes. He gave me attention. I pleaded no, because I HAD to be home after school. He denied it and said he'd call my father.
I ran out of the class room and down the hall. I turned the corner and ran into the off and on therapy director, Dinah Lance she had blonde hair and a simple figure but she still couldn't help me although no one knew my fathers plans, and what he did to me, or so I thought . She looked me up and down and asked my name
"Artemis Crock" I said then continued to run, tears streaming from my eyes. I hid in my locker since I was so small. I cried until after school and then came out.
The principle and my dad was standing there his arms crossed. I sighed then after the conference I went home and he hit me with a chair, breaking it across my back then yelled at me to go to my room and study.

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