Fly (2nd in the feather series)

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Authors note:

Update 2019: Thanks for reading! This story was written when I was quite a bit younger than I am now so I should advise you this story does reflect my age at the time (early teens) so there will be errors throughout. Please don't correct me! If you look in the comments you'll notice quite a few people have already pointed out the mistakes xD By all means go ahead and read, but bear in mind this is a very early work before you fire away at your keyboards ;) Enjoy! The original story and intro follows this message.

Firstly, thank you for reading this book and giving it a chance! If you like this book please vote and comment. :)

All votes, comments and reads are greatly appreciated! :)

This book is the 2nd book in 'the feather' series. The series started with my book 'Soar', so if you haven't read 'Soar' yet, please do, as it may help you understand this story better. (I'm not saying this book requires you to read the whole series to understand it, it just may help if you know what the characters have done so far.)

Also to note, please correct me if I have made any mistakes or if I have some typos in my work - I don't mind you pointing out my mistakes and/or using constructive critism.

If you like this story please also feel free to check out some of my other stories such as:

- Soar (first book in 'the feather' series)
- Animal Leader
- The lion, a lynx and a Queens horses
- The Ginger Visitor

Now, for the aid of my readers, here's a pronunciation guide to some of my invented words:

Srrin ( sih- rinn) Atlo (@-low) Aviar (Ay - vee - are) Feliner (Feh-line-are) Wolver (Wool-ver) Fyincher (Fee-inch-air)
Wilrn (Will-air-un) Nyk (Nee-ick) Mrjk (mee-urk) Ergnya (Er-ginn-yah) Sprjk ( Spri-jick *A sprjk is the Srrin equivalent of a landmine*)

More words will be added as the story progresses.

Right, I think this authors note is long enough. On with the story!

Bye for now,

Laura Animalgirl

Fly (2nd in the feather series)Where stories live. Discover now