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Ava led me through a series of streets past more houses, until she opened the door to one of the houses. Ava led me through and showed me around. The house was very dark and bare with only a chair and a table in it. There wasn't anything else in the house. Ava yelled a spell to conjure up a lit candle and the house was suddenly light. Ava turned to face me and told me,

"Don't worry, this isn't my house - it's just a spare hut on the street. But I want you to do something for me, Layla. Because you've been to Atlo, you know all sorts of stuff about it. I have always wanted to visit Atlo because I am a very adventurous person."

I got the feeling that wasn't the only reason Ava wanted to visit Atlo. But what I really didn't need was someone wanting me to take them on a tourist trip so I told Ava firmly,

"Ava, I really can't do this. Have you any idea how important the Mrjk is? I need to do my final task!"

Ava looked at me with a hard stare. She then said to me quietly,

"I only want to go to Atlo for a short time. Please take me there. You can send me back anytime so you can complete your Mrjk but just take me there. PLEASE."

I didn't know what to do. My head told me to go away and leave her but my Aviar instincts told me to take her to Atlo. I stood there wondering what to do, until Ava asked me,

"Are you going to take me there or not then?"

I decided to trust my instincts.

"Alright Ava but only for a short amount of time." I told her firmly.

Avas eyes lit up and she smiled warmly at me. She thanked me before I grabbed her hand and led her out of the street. I transformed and was about to lift her onto my back to let her ride me when she told me to wait. I looked behind me after 5 minutes and saw Ava had also transformed into her winged form. Ava was also an Aviar and her wings were the colour of Autumn leaves. Together, we both took off, flying high until I spotted Nyks town centre. Then, I flew towards the town centre, Ava following behind me. I spotted Amy, the bird girl, having a sort of coffee-like beverage in a shop and went up to her. Amy spotted me and stopped sipping her drink to look at me, interested.

"Who's this, Layla?" She asked me, holding her golden feather necklace to stop it falling into her drink.

"Amy, this is Ava. She wants to go to Atlo so I'd like you to teleport us there."

Amy shot me an 'Are you sure you should do this?' look. So I told her that I was helping Ava because my instincts told me to. Amy seemed to understand but I got the feeling that she wasn't sure my decision was a good one. She asked me quizzically,

"I thought you were doing your Mrjk, Layla. Why the sudden change of plan?"

"I am, Amy, but when I saw Ava here, I had to help her. I couldn't leave her here, my instincts wouldn't have let me! I'm sure she only wants a 2 hour visit or something anyway. I can always return later."

Amy nodded but still didn't appear to think my decision was a wise one. But even so, Amy left the shop and told Ava and I to hold onto her tightly. Then, Amy blinked once and in 10 seconds, we arrived in an Atlo forest. I looked around the wood, getting used to Atlo sights and sounds again. It was at this point when Amy turned to talk to me.

"Layla... " She began.

"Yes? What is it?" I replied.

"I get the feeling Ava is going to be quite a handful... So I'm not returning to Srrin until you do, that way I can help you if you need it." Amy told me quietly so Ava didn't hear.

I wasn't quiet when I answered.

"Amy! I'm sure she won't be. She'll be shy, nervous and we'll be back in Srrin in time to finish my Mrjk! I don't think I need any help." I argued confidently.

Amy suddenly alerted me,

"Layla! Ava is going to reveal her Aviar form to the public..."

I turned around quickly and saw Ava casually walking out of the woods, still in Aviar form! We were in danger of being discovered!

"Ava! Return to normal form!" I yelled after Ava.

Ava turned around without a care, looking entirely unbothered about the danger she was in.

"What? Why should I?" she asked innocently, looking at me like I was crazy.

"Ava. If you don't, humans will see us, calls us monsters and put us in prisons. Look, bad things'll happen if you don't." I told her, getting frustrated.

Thankfully, Ava returned to normal form after I said this. I looked at Amy and she gave me a 'I told you she'd be trouble' look before we all walked out of the Atlo forest.

Fly (2nd in the feather series)Where stories live. Discover now