Epilogue - |||| - Post Credit

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A few months later....

Markus stepped out of his house and went into his car, obviously to start driving.

He wasn't going anywhere to meet somebody, however. He was driving somewhere special.

He turned on the radio as the sunset was upon Lomere.

"Cruel, cruel world, must I go on?
Cruel, cruel world, I'm moving on
I've been living too fast
And I've been living too long
Cruel, cruel world, I'm gone"

The lyrics touched Markus.

Markus was finally himself again.

He's moving on.

But, this didn't bring sadness to Markus. It just brought a smile to his face.

After about 15 minutes of driving, he finally reached his destination.

Waiver St.

"Good ol' Waiver. Been awhile, hasn't it?" Markus said to himself.

But, it wasn't ghetto anymore. It looks like a safe and nice neighborhood.

He could see fairly big houses and children playing in the yard and the dogs barking.

It wasn't anything like the last time he saw it, and he's happy for it.

He isn't hearing any gunshots, old cars, nobody fighting, nobody yelling, just happiness.

It brought a smile to Markus's face.

He just parked his car on the side of the road and listened to the song play out and watched.

Before heading home.


Here's the end credits songs for this book ;)

Stay - The Score

Way Down We Go - KALEO

Cruel World - Willie Nelson

Dead Man Walking - War*Hall

Paralyzed - NF

Miracle - The Score

Moonlight - Daniel Lanois

That's The Way It Is (Instrumental Cover) - AquaHuLK MUSIC

Outlaws From The West - Woody Jackson

Vanishing Grace - Gustavo Santaolalla

All Gone - Gustavo Santaolalla

Final Mission (Return For The Money) - Woody Jackson

Nothing Lasts Forever - Benjamin Wallfisch

Stan's Letter - Benjamin Wallfisch

Oh My Lovely - Daniel Lanois

Mountain Hymn - Rhiannon Giddens

You're My Brother (Battle Theme) - Woody Jackson

The Path (A New Beginning) - Gustavo Santaolalla

Human - Rag'n'Bone

Stronger - The Score

I hope you all enjoyed, Academy.

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