Chapter IV - The Big Score

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I met this girl named Abby and a few others. Rigby & Reshonna. I hope Isaiah doesn't come along like Markus wants him too. He'll ruin every chance I have to get the hell out. I'm currently in one of those beds in Mr.Layton's mansion at the basement. It's pretty nice down here. Markus is sleeping next to me since he had no where else to go.


A few hours went by after meeting the team and hanging out with Abby, Markus, Rigby, and Reshonna. They are all very nice people Dale thought. They even got Dale's equipment ready for tomorrow's bank robbery. They are all wearing black suits (for the men) and black skirts for the women on the team. Scott said he'll be by the vault's of the bank waiting for us.

If all of this go to plan, Reshonna will bribe the manager and then pull out her gun and then we all come running in. Dale will lock the bank door and Markus will point his gun at people to hold them hostage, etc.

Dale and Abby talked a lot before they headed to their beds. Dale has developed a friendship with all of the team already. It's now nightfall and he's been here since 3:30. Dale was getting excited with this bank job, same with Markus.

They have never robbed anyplace before and all this talk The Team made it sound fun. It's an easy way to get the money he needs.

"Dale, do you need anything?" Abby asked before heading to her bed as the other half of the Team was getting into their beds.

"Nah, I'm fine." Dale responded.

"Markus?" Abby said.

"No gurl I'm fine." Markus said as he began to go to sleep.

Dale turned off the light and headed to his bed and Abby, Rigby, Reshonna, and the other half of the team did the same.
Dale than started chatting with Markus.

"So, we really about to rob a bank?" Dale asked.

"I guess so, homie." Markus responded.

"Damn, we done a lot of fucked up shit but we ain't ever robbed a bank." Dale said.

"For real, I guess we jus' gotta get yo money tho than you can be free." Markus said.

"Ay, by the way, Isaiah is coming tomorrow after the robbery." Markus continued.

"Are you fuckin' serious?" Dale said in a frustrated tone.

"You two bitches needa makeup. This beef you got between him is jus' stupid." Markus said.

"It ain't stupid, I got my reasons." Dale said.

"Like what?" Markus said.

"It ain't yo business." Dale said.

"So, you jus' hate the man because he did something you didn't like? Homie that's stupid as fuck." Markus said.

"Man, you'll survive don't be a pussy." Markus said as he turned over and tried to go to sleep.

Dale went on his phone and put it down and saw Abby.

He jumped back a bit in surprise.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Abby said.

"You good, you good." Dale said.

"What you need?" Dale asked.

"Nothing, I couldn't sleep and I heard you and Markus talking. You don't want some dude coming here?" Abby questioned.

"It's this dude I've known since I was a kid, we never got along man. I'm afraid if he comes than I ain't got no chances of getting out of here." Dale said.

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