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Emma's POV

I was on a movie set with my parents. I didn't know what happened that let to this. I was shooting a scene and I acted as I was said and the director said 'Cut' He said it was good and had 20 minute break. I decided to grab some drinks when I saw my parents came towards the director. I was confused, why would they come? They frequently visit and all but, its rare they come unannounced. So, I approached the director holding my drink.

"Mom, Dad? Why are you here?" I asked, clearly confused. "Well darling, the director wanted to talk to us." Mom answered.

"Yes, indeed. I wanted to talk with you about Emma."

"What about her?" I was internally panicking. What did I do? Did I do something wrong? I hope not, I have been doing what the director said. Maybe he wants to fire me? I hope not, I love acting. "There might be a slight problem"

"What's the problem?" Dad questioned.

"Well, as you know the shooting location was already set in here." He started and my parents nodded. Phew, I thought it was a problem about me. Though I am curious what is it about now.

"But, the producers think that the location doesn't seem to fit with the scenes of the movie since it would be different than the beginning of the movie" He continued.

"So, they decided to change it. From LA to Paris, France" He announced and we were surprised. Wait, Paris, France? Isn't that far away from here like 11 hours away from here! Also known as the city of love, no wonder they chose it. Since the movie is in the romantic genre.

"Wait, you're saying Paris, France. Which is 11 hours away from here?" Dad asked as calmly as possible.

"Y-yes, the producers thought it would be a great idea to shoot it there since the location accommodate the movie than here. The city of love, since the movie is romantic and most of the scenes are all romantic" He said nervously.

"Take it easy Dad, why now? Not earlier?"

"Well, the producers didn't think it was necessary for the change of location when the shooting began until the romantic scenes started and they felt it didn't fit and decided to change the location"

Mom spoke up, "We'll discuss this first and we will give you our answers." I followed her and Dad. We were in my trailer and started discussing the matter.

"I didn't know they would change the location so suddenly." Mom said and frowned. "I know, they said all were going to be here, in LA." Dad said. I thought about this chaotic mess, its not all that bad. We could go to Paris, France! Travel to another country, my parents are always busy so, we didn't travel much, unless its for shoots.

"Yes but, wouldn't it be fun to travel to another country?" I asked and they looked at me in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Dad asked. "We could see Paris. I have never been there and I would really like to see it. They say its a beautiful city and also, they say it is the city of lights and love" My parents look at each other.

"That isn't a bad idea, we haven't travel in a long time" Mom started and Dad nodded. "Ok then, we are going to Paris!" Dad exclaimed. "Its also good to take a break from work. Just relax for once, its been years since we all did." Mom said and Dad nodded.

"Well, it isn't a break since we'll still be working but just not as much. Though we're going to Paris! Couldn't wait!" I said excited for this trip. My parents went back to the director and told him that we agree. The director was glad that they agreed and is going to tell the producer. That we agree so, they could proceed to the next shooting schedules. They also said that they will give us time to pack and all. Also, that this was the last shoots here and will continue in Paris. The trip is to take place next week and shooting would start the next month. Its the middle of the month, I guess they need to prepare the props and all. We would also meet them in Paris, France the day of the shoot.

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