Snowed In (Gossip Girl)

Start from the beginning

"I can't call you Waldorf anymore can I?"

"Nope," Blair responded with a flirty smile.

"Get a room," Dan yelled, with everyone agreeing. 


In Limo #1 (Serena, Nate, Dan and Gerogina)

"Serena we should ice skate, and try to aggravate Blair with our skills," Nate told Serena who giggled. "I don't know, Blair has the power to kill both of us and get away with it," Serena responded. 

"What are you talking about Nate? You can't skate to save your life," Dan interrupted. Gerogina looked up from her magazine, and pulled her sunglasses down, "It's called a joke, that's why Blair would be aggravated, because neither of them can skate to save their lives," Gerogina told him, then went back to her magazine. "Oh, sorry," Dan said sarcastically. 


Limo #2

"Fifty one bottles of-"

"Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, stop singing, Jack," Blair told him, very annoyed. "Let's play a game," Jack suggested

"No!" Lily, Chuck and Blair exclaimed at once.

"Oh good, we're here," Lily mumbled. 

"How much faster did we make it up here than the other guys?" Jack asked.

"I don't know, but they stopped, and I don't see them," Lily stated.

"Blair and I will be in our room," Chuck announced, pulling Blair out of the car and into the cabin-like building. "My hero," Blair sighed, "Let's see how Serena is surviving," Blair dialed her number and put it on speaker. "Help, save me," Serena said from the other line. 

"What happened?"

"We're stuck! With Dan and Gerogina," Serena told them.

In the background Blair could hear Dan saying, "you do realize I can hear you, right?"

"Great, good luck, there is alcohol disguised as water in the cabinet, you sound like you need it,"

"Thanks Blair, see you soon," Blair hung up.

"Who do you think will be dead first?" Blair asked her husband.

"Humpfrey, he's completely useless, at least Gerogina knows her way around," He responded, opening the door to their room. 


"For the last time Dan, you are not an important person!" Gerogina exclaimed.

"For once I agree," Nate said, Serena, who was too drunk to register what was going on, laid her head on Nate's shoulder. "What's in that water?" Nate whispered in her ear.

"Want some?"

"Yes, please," Nate replied taking a drink, "Wow that's st- I mean really good water," 

Geerogina, knowing a lie and the Bass fashions, "Can I have a bottle?" Nate and Serena looked at each other and shrugged, Serena handed Gerogina one of the bottles. "You'd think Chuck would have some hidden alcohol in here," Dan thought out loud, Gerogina chugged the bottle. 

"Yeah totally strange"


Two hours later they made it to the cabin, and everyone else was passed out. "Wait, Christmas Day is tomorrow," Dan said.

"Just figure that out Sherlock?"


"Oh cool! We're exchanging gifts! Is there one with my name on it?" Dan asked as he walked in the living room in the morning. "Maybe, we'll see,"

"Chuck," Blair said as she handed him a small box.

"Blair, you know how I feel about jewelry,"

"It's not, just open it," Chuck looked at her, and then down out the box, "come on, just do it," Chuck did so, to see a positive pregnancy test. "We're going to be parents? You're pregnant? This is awesome," Chusk said spinning her around. 

"Congratulations, I can't wait to meet Nate," Nate told them, "if it's a boy that is,"

"If It's a girl, it's Serena right?"

"What are you guys talking about? It's going to be Lily,"

"Probably won't be Jack," Jack said, "but, I have a gift for the darling Gerogina, will you marry me?" he proposed pulling out a ring.


"Ewwwwww!" Everyone else exclaimed in disgust.


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