35. Master Rue

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"This is Asher Pierce, huh," said the old man. Despite his old age, he stood straight with his arms behind his back, letting out an aura of intimidation that affected most of the teachers present in the office. He, just like Asher, had a thin body and a short stature. His shiny head had no hair and reflected the artificial lights that lit up the room. What differentiated him from Asher, his new pupil, were the muscles he had gotten from continuous years of training.

Asher stared up at the old man and the old man stared down at Asher. They both stood there just watching and waiting to see what the other would do. Finally, the secretary called Asher over, making him look away from the old man.

"You've been allowed to leave school grounds. Please return between the allotted time and inform us if you're staying overnight outside. You will still have to complete all of your classes once you come back."

Asher nodded and took the silver card he was being presented with. He then turned to the old man that had a disgusted expression while trying to avoid speaking to the principal.

"Why don't you stay for tea? It must've been a long and tiresome journey for you, Master Rue," proposed the principal as he immediately ordered the people around them to brew them some tea. Master Rue shook his head before pointing towards Asher, using him as an excuse to not stay and chat.

"I apologize, but I have to say no. I have a pupil to take care of and have no time for-"

"Please! Stay for a while!" The principal interrupted with a forced smile. He was desperately trying to keep Master Rue inside the office. However, Master Rue had none of it.

Master Rue turned around and walked away from the principal without a care in a world. Not wanting to deal with the aftermath, Asher decided that the best course of action would be to follow Master Rue out of the office.

As of right now, they were walking down the hallways of the school to get out of the building. Zacharia had told Asher that they couldn't waste any time, so it was understandable that he would begin training as soon as possible. Asher showed the guard at the gates the silver card he had been given before being allowed to exit the school. Now, it was just him, the old master, and the trusty carriage that was taking them to their destination.

Master Rue glanced at the boy who was sitting in front of him and asked, "Are you not curious as to why I rejected the principal's invitation?"

"Of course I am, but it would be rude to ask you," Asher said while nodding. Despite mentioning that it was rude, he went on and said, "Why did you reject the principal's offer of chatting over a cup of tea? Others would agree without a second thought."

Even if Asher wasn't much of a people person and has never received the proper knowledge of how this world works, he understood the world of nobles well enough to know that they always wanted more power and recognition. He came to this understanding using the knowledge he had from both of his lives.

"Let me tell you a little secret, Asher boy," started Master Rue as he leaned forwards with an odd smile, his shaved head once again gleaming in the light. "That principal has no power of his own. The man above him does. So tell me, what do you think that principal who holds no power wants with me?"

Asher thought about it for a while and came up with two conclusions. The first conclusion would be for the principal to gain his footing using Master Rue's influence. Asher didn't know how famous this master was, but judging by all of the burning stares and the fact that it was Zacharia who called him over, he couldn't be possibly be a simple person. His second conclusion was so that the principal could please the man above him so that he could gain more benefits.

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