27. Messy Roommate

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Asher's first meeting with the second prince wasn't all that pleasurable. After Kio had told Silas' off for making Asher feel uncomfortable, Silas proceeded to sit right in front of Asher as if Kio hadn't said anything. Silas asked Asher various questions about him while stealing glances towards Kio as if to gauge his reactions. Although Asher had no idea about what were Silas' intentions, he did took notice that most of his questions somewhat involved Kio or other members of his family.

"Tell me, Lord Asher, what things do you have in common with Kio?"

"What about Lord Ian? Do you have things in common with your elder brother?"

"I've heard a lot about your father's recent accomplishments. I hope your talents flourish and you help improve our Xestal Kingdom just like General Alejandro has done."

"I saw you exit a different carriage from usual. Did something happen between you and your family?"

"Kio told me that you weren't so close. What made you want to follow behind Kio like a lost puppy?"

The prince's questions had slowly turned more probing and insensitive. Despite the contents of his questions, his expression held a refreshing smile as his chin rested upon his palm. His blond hair swept across his face and slightly covered his chocolate brown eyes. He intended to pry open Asher's layers and figure out exactly why he had begun to follow behind his friend after years of them not communicating. It was suspicious, highly suspicious.

Kio is Silas' only close friend and the same could be said the other way round. They held each other in high regard and were comfortable enough to constantly bicker and pester each other. They had cared for each other when there was no one else around, so Silas had a good idea of Kio's homely circumstances and Kio had a good idea of Silas' political situation. Kio was not one to share much, but Silas was able to piece things together after a few visits to the Pierce family's estate and through Ian's and Asher's behaviors. Not to mention the rumors that Asher was the black sheep of his family that weren't quite rumors.

Silas knew how desperate Kio was to receive some sort of positive attention from his family even if Kio himself had been unaware of the matter. Kio had been starved of warmth, love, and positive reinforcement since he was but a young child. His teenage years, which are said to be the time where a child grows the most as a person, were full of abandonment and false hopes. If it were any other child, then they would've rebelled in some way to get his parent's attention, but Kio wasn't allowed even that.

Kio is the second-born child of the famous Pierce family; the family that has aided the royal crown since many generations ago. Kio is also in possession of the rare ice elemental magic and has an abnormally large magical core. He is being pressured by many people; both people that personally know him and those that don't. He is expected to behave a certain way, to react a certain way, even to eat a certain way and to gain recognition and honor at his young age. To protect himself from those hateful stares that were waiting for him to fail, Kio created that cold and perfect mask that he has perfected since then. Even Silas isn't aware of all of Kio's sides, despite being his closest friend. What he does know is that the real Kio that was buried deep within his subconsciousness all those years ago was slowly resurfacing because of outside help. He was even beginning to fuse his two personas together, creating an entirely new and reformed person.

Far from bad news, this was absolutely wonderful! Silas was ecstatic when he communicated with Kio via a communication device and saw how he had grown as a person during the time that they were apart. He saw how Kio's eyes were shining with an unknown fire that was brighter than anything he had ever seen on him. However, he was feeling apprehensive about Asher's involvement. Actually, he was feeling apprehensive as to why Asher had been involved. Asher was obviously the reason why Kio had changed so much, but he was afraid that Asher would leave Kio behind and completely break him to such an extent that not even his cold mask would be left untouched. If that were to happen, Kio would not only become a joke to all of society, but also to his family, more specifically his father who had high hopes for him. Silas wanted to know just how pure Asher's intentions are towards his friend.

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