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Five years later

Charlotte's POV

Charlotte Ressler sat in the backseat of a cab, anxious to be home.

She looked at her ring and thought back to her and Donnie's wedding.

Two months after they got out of the hospital Donald and Charlotte were wed. It was a small ceremony with close friends and family. Donnie was using his cane for support but he was perfect.

This was perfect. Raymond was marrying them, the greatest irony of them all.

And Charlotte had the tiniest baby bump, but her dress covered it.

"But our love it was stronger by far than the love
   Of those who were older than we—
   Of many far wiser than we—
And neither the angels in Heaven above
   Nor the demons down under the sea
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
   Of the beautiful Charlotte," Donald quoted her favorite poem only trading the Annabel lee for her name.

She was grateful her makeup was waterproof because she was crying the entire time.

"I will love you, through everything that comes our way. I will love you when we fight, and when we just need our space. I'll love you when we just are together in silence. I love your laugh, and your stupid humor." He laughed. "I can't wait to be a parent with you. I love you so much Donnie."

They said their I do's and kissed.

"So, on vacation?"

"No, I wish. Just got back from a work trip,"

"Ah. I hate those," he joked. He was a nice man.

"I just miss my husband and daughter."

"I completely feel that, my kid is with his mom right now for the weekend. I miss him so much. My wife is at home with our daughter though. She's going to be annoyed I'm making her wait to watch supernatural."

Lottie laughed again " I'm making my husband wait too, I just got him hooked."


Lottie couldn't wait to see her little girl. Rowan was at home with her daddy, waiting for mommy to return.

"Well I bet they're going to be happy to see you,"

"They are, especially because I came home early and didn't tell them ." She felt a sharp kick in her side. The baby boy was hyper.

Oh, Charlotte is pregnant with their second child.

"That's the best surprise."

They arrived at the house. She paid him extra and headed inside.

After the whole kidnapping, Lottie and Donald couldn't stand to look at their house. They sold it with all the furniture inside and had her baby brother Jules get their pictures and other personal stuff out.

They bought this nice place and got another pet. This time a dog, the cat loves her.

After months of therapy, both mental and physical, they healed. Donald went back to work at the post office. And Charlotte gifted her company over to Jules. She still was a confidant, but she rarely met in person. The only man she would meet in person was a certain wanted criminal.

They still had nightmares but they dealt with it together.

Turning the key in the lock, Charlotte was happy to be home.

Inside, on the couch was a tiny child in a stitch onesie cuddled up on a grown man in a stick onesie.
Charlotte took a picture and set it as her Home Screen.

Rowan was obsessed with Lilo and Stitch. And had many plushies of him. Three of which were also on the couch.

The dog and cat ran to greet her. After letting them, she went over to her little family.

They really were adorable.

She might've take many pictures.

She picked her baby girl up, and carried her to her bed.

"Mommy?" Rowan said sleepily.

"Hi baby girl," Charlotte was ticking her in.

"You're back!"

"I am, I missed you."

"I missed you too mommy," she got out of the bed and hugged her.

She hugged her tightly.

"Okay Rowan, bed time."

"But mommy,"

"Honey you have school tomorrow. But I promise on Saturday I'll take you to a zoo. But you have to go to sleep right now."

"Okay, night mommy." And she curled up in bed. And fell asleep. In case you were wondering, the bed spread was also Lilo and stitch .

Charlotte waddled Back to the couch, Donald had woken up and smiled when he saw her.

"You're home early," she gave him a wicked grin and came over to him. And laid down.
She was tired, both from jet lag and because being six months pregnant was hard work.

"I missed you, had to see you sooner."

"Good, I missed you too." He kissed her. His mouth was soft, she kissed him back.

"I put Rowan to bed, think you two are adorable in the matching pajamas."

He groaned, "you took pictures didn't you?"

She said nothing but cuddled against him.

He laughed and stroked her hair, and his other hand he felt the baby kick.

"A soccer player this one. I bet he's going to be a fancy FBI agent just like his daddy. Going to follow his sister there too." Rowan decided she wanted to be an agent just like daddy.

"Can't help being so awesome." She snorted.

"And modest."

"Of course. But I disagree, I bet he's going to be just like you. Smart, and good at getting secrets"

"We shall see,"

"Yes we will,"

They kissed and cuddled together for the rest of the night.

And they were happy, happy together with a beautiful family.

Author's note: Thank you to everyone who's read and commented on this fic! You all mean the world to me and I appreciate you. This book was so much fun to write and I'm a little sad to end it. But it was time. I might do another blacklist fic in the future but I'm going to finish my other two fics first. Thank you again. Love y'all.

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