Almost meeting our kidnapper

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Donald's POV
Three Weeks Later
Donald woke up to a pounding pain, but this time it wasn't in the room he expected. For the past few weeks, possibly a month, Donald was in a room on what he figured was a boat.

He hadn't seen anyone come in or out of his room since the first time he woke up. Three time a day there would be food slid under the door, and there were books he could read to pass the time. And more disturbingly case files. His cold case files. The ones he kept even though they never caught the sons of bitches.

But today, today was different. Last night he tasted something off in his food, and now here he was.

"Where am I?" He whispered, the room he was in now was much nicer than the one he was previously kept in.

The bed was softer, he realized. There was a couch and dining table with a note.
He saw his books and case files on the table next to the note. There were no windows. Not a single one.

The bed he laid on had a navy blanket with matching sheets. The walls were a nice light blue as well, no art. In the corner was a dresser, forcing himself up, his head still pounding he made his way over to it.

He found all the clothes he had seen in the past room, but there were even more clothes now. Most of them nicer than the others. The ones he would wear to work.

"Well that's fucking creepy. I got to find Lottie and get out of here"

Pulling out some clothes he decided to look at the note.

Mr. Ressler,
I am sure you have many questions, but I assure you they will be answered soon. Please get yourself cleaned up and ready for a formal dinner tonight. Your lovely Ms. Owens will meet you there.

Your gracious host

Not saying anything, but seriously weirded out, Donald just went with it.
He went into the bathroom and found the same toiletries as last time, the bathroom was also nicer. Though everything was nicer, it put Donald on edge. He shaved and showered and made himself "presentable" but he also looked for a weapon. The razor was only possible thing, but it wasn't very effective.

Disappointed, he put it down and walked out of the bathroom. There were three suits laid down on the bed.

Not saying anything, because there was no one to talk to. He read a little note saying to pick a suit.

He randomly picked the black one with ice blue tie and hanker chief.

He put it on, and checked his surroundings yet again.

He tapped on the wall but found no hollow point.
After an hour or so a tall man with a faint scar on his face came in.

"This way," his Boston accent thick.

"Where is Charlotte?"

"This way," he repeated, and pointed a gun at him. Donald followed, careful not to piss him off. Normally Donald wouldn't worry, well not too much, he would do some quick move and get the gun out of his hand. But he was weak, the drugs from the night before hadn't left him yet.

They walked for some time and he was left in a room.

After a few minutes the door opened.

"DONNIE!" Charlotte launched herself into Donald.

He almost weeped as he held her. "Lottie, oh thank god you're okay."

He kissed her softly, and she clutched his jacket, not letting go.

She stepped back for a minute to look at him.

She laughed softly.

"What's funny Char?"
"We are matching,"

He laughed too and pulled her closer.

"I've missed you," he whispered. Now tears did stream down his face.

"I've missed you too love. I love you so much"

She kissed him, tears streamed down her face. Her makeup didn't ruin, so he assumed it was waterproof.

He looked her over, making sure she wasnt hurt.

Her dress was the same ice blue in his tie, he smiled at it, and her sleeves were long.

"I love you too, I'm so glad you're okay. You are okay right?"

"I'm fine, I've just been worried about you. And what the hell we are doing here."

"I've wondered that too,"

They didn't say anything after that for a while, just held each other.

They were like that until the Boston scar man returned to the room.

"Your host will see you now"
They followed him out.

Confide in me, Agent Ressler (Blacklist fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now