Plan in Motion

580 17 6

Charlotte's POV

Fighting back nerves, Lottie tried to gain some bravery.

After a week of planning everything to a t, she was about to start step one.

She let herself get dragged into the torture room, her blindfolded rubbed against her eyes making them itch.

"Come along," it was one of the newer guards. He was more polite than the others.

She tread lightly until they got to the room, then sat down.

Breathe, Charlotte, Breathe. She felt nauseous, and was hoping she was wrong about the cause of the nausea.

But if she wasn't, she really needed to get Donald and herself out of this hell.

"Miss Owens, I must say, you've been corporative recent. Which is good for both of us. So I'm going to ask some questions we haven't talked about in a while. How does that sound? Does that sound alright?"

She nodded nervously, she felt like she was going to vomit it she spoke.

"Good girl," he patted her head, gently. Charlotte stilled at the touch.

"Please bring in agent Ressler."

She heard wheels, much closer than they usually were. Which meant he was in the room with her, nausea became more intense.

Her eyes burned as he ripped the blindfold off. The light was far too bright, and she noticed that Donnie was laid out on a table only a foot away from her seat.

He didn't look good, he was covered in more bruise, different shades showing how long they'd been there, various cuts, and his leg was obviously set wrong after it broke.

Tears streamed down her face, she didn't get to see him for the past month. Only hear him scream, she wanted to kill everyone who worked for Silas.

"Miss Owens, tell me about Bokenkamp. Or you're not going to like the results."

Emotions took over, making her temporary to forget her plans.

"I don't know anything,"

"Okay," he slammed a hammer against Donald's injured leg.

"Son of a bitch," Donald hissed, not louder than a whisper.

"Stop, please stop," she begged. Think calmly, your plan remember your plan.

"Tell me about him, or things will get so much worse for agent Ressler." He pulled out an ice pick.

Oh hell no.

"Wait! For god's sake please wait,"

He looked at her expectantly.

"I don't know who he is, but what if I have met him?"


"I mean, what if he used a pseudonym? Fake name. I'm sorta known for telling the fbi about vital information, what if he didn't want to risk it?"

Beaugard put the ice pick done, Lottie's Heart was racing. It wasn't a lie, that was the thing. It could've been the truth.

"And you just know decided to inform me of this possibility?"

"I just thought about it, please don't hurt Donald. Please."

"Do you have any information that can prove you may know this guy, and that he used a false name?"

Bile threatened to come up, but she forced it down. Gagging, she thought for a moment. Letting him think she was actually panicking. Well more than she was.

Confide in me, Agent Ressler (Blacklist fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now