The Search is on

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Elizabeth Keen's POV

It was early morning when Agent Keen and the rest of the task force realized something was in fact incredibly wrong.

Liz has left Agnes with her nanny, Maddie. Before she left, at 4:30 am, she went to her daughters room and kissed her forehead.

Liz started doing that after she got her back from Scottie.

"Mommy?" Agnes had woken up and rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"Sorry baby girl, mommy has to go to work."

"Mommy go see uncle aram and uncle Donnie? And uncle Cooper?" Agnes loved her "uncles" and constantly asked about them. Her newest phase.

"Yes, that's where mommy is going, go back to bed sweetie I'll be home tonight," I hope, Liz added mentally.

"I love you,"

"I love you mommy,"

And with that Agnes fell back to sleep easily.

Quietly, Liz tiptoed our if the room and left a note for Maddie that she left.

Liz's boots clicked as she walked into to post office, yawning and carrying a box full of doughnuts. Liz has been in desperate need of coffee that she stopped at a twenty four hour doughnut shop, and got the team some breakfast.

"Keen, have you seen Ressler?" Cooper demanded, he looked exhausted, but aram looked worse. He had been up since yesterday trying to crack into the most recent lead. Red had found an email from the blacklister's assistant.

"No sir, he's not here yet?"

"He didn't pick up his phone either. He must've shut it off," Harold Cooper said, mostly to himself. He took his glasses off and cleaned them.

"That's unlike him,"

"He did have a date, maybe they got busy and he shut off his phone." Aram suggested.

"He'll catch you later, and I'll have a talk with him about Turing of his phones." Cooper sounded a bit mad, but a tiny bit worried.

Liz wondered why, but decided she could figure it out later.

"So did you find anything aram?"

"Yes, okay so I found the address of the supposedly next victim. However it's not letting me figure out the home owner, seems like the Blacklister had the information erased from public record. I'll have to hack into the secured files, but it wouldn't hurt to go check on the address. It should take you two an hour to get there" he rambled and Gave then the address.

"Good work Agent Mojtabai. Stay here and try to get the owners names and information. Keen, let's go."


Liz thought it felt weird to not have Ressler with them, he was always with them.

And Cooper kept trying to call him.

"Damn it," he muttered. Liz eyes grew big, but she tried to focus on the road rather than her boss.

They were so close, maybe they could get to the victims before they were actually victims. Maybe they could save a life before it was taken.

"He's usually up by now," Cooper was talking to himself, and Liz knew he felt how off the situation was too.

"Maybe aram is right? Maybe his date and him didn't go to sleep early enough and over slept."

"He didn't text me last night like he was supposed to,"

"You sound like a teenage girl upset her crush didn't text back," she teased, but didn't overly feel like it.

"Keen, dont." He sighed before admitting "he was proposing to his girlfriend, he promised to keep me updated. But he never did"

"Oh, he didn't tell me that"

"He wasn't going to unless she said yes, he was nervous. After what happened to Audrey, he never wanted to bring in someone he loved like that into our world."

Liz couldn't blame him, but she was sorta pissed she didn't know.

Before she could complain they arrived at the house.
Which was surrounded by cops.
And coopers phone rang.


"Nope Aram"

Liz looked at the cars, minus the cop cars, in the drive way. One was a classic black impala, and the other was a standard fbi black car.

Liz thought it looked like, but no it couldn't be.

She turned to cooper and whispered "that looks like Ressler's car,"

Copper went pale, "aram said the names on the house were Charlotte Owens and Donald Ressler"

They got out quickly and ran over to an officer who walked it of the house.

"Agent Harold Cooper, what is going on?"

"Officer Wheeler, Sir. We got a call from a few hours ago, about three o clock a neighbor heard the young couple that live here come home. About ten minutes later she hears a scream, she immediately called 911. Wishing the fourteen minutes it took us to get here, they were gone."

A dark look flashed on coopers face, and Liz's heart dropped.

Donald, her partner and friend was gone. And so was his (maybe)fiancée.

"Did you move anything from the scene?"

"No sir, we found his badge and was about to call it in. We took samples of the blood and pictures of the entire scene.

Looks like they went to have a celebratory drink, a late night one. We found a tag congratulating them on their anniversary. Oh and the victims' cat was locked in their bedroom, we left the poor thing there so it didn't run into the blood."

"Thank you Officer, we will take over from here. Run the blood samples and send us the results. This is an official case my task force is working on."

"Yes sir,"

Liz walked into the house, and almost jumped about how much it seemed like Ressler and not. The wall color was all him, and the couch and vases of flowers must've been her. Maybe he gave her the flowers? Not important, Liz thought angrily at herself.

She was trying not to cry, she didn't want to miss a single detail.

She saw pictures everywhere, and she made way over to the kitchen.
On the counter was a spilled bottle of expensive looking wine, and a bloody gun she recognized as Ressler's. On the floor, was enough broken glass it looked like it was two wine glasses, spilled wine had made the floor sticky, as did the blood.

There wasn't a lot, but that didn't mean much.

But it did mean no cleaner had been used.

"Keen, Aram will be here soon. Call Reddington. We are going to need all the help we can get."

"Does this mean-" he didn't let her finish.

"This means, that Ressler and his fiancé are officially victims and apart of this investigation. "

"Fuck" keen rarely cursed like that, but this felt appropriate.


Charlotte POV

Charlotte's vision was spinning, her world was shaking.

She realized suddenly it was that the room was actually shaking, she had to be on a boat.

She was strapped down to the bed she was on, and she couldn't find Donnie.
She still couldn't speak, she was still drugged up.

But she did manage to cry, where was Donnie?
Where was she?
Why did they get attacked?
And what sort of hell would come next?

Confide in me, Agent Ressler (Blacklist fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن