Different Type of Torture

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Charlotte's POV

Six weeks later

"Miss Owens, I do hate having to resort to these methods, perhaps if you could answer our questions we wouldn't have to do this. " Silas Beaugard was at the interrogation again.

Charlotte lost track of time, it could've been a month or a year.  They did these sessions as irregularly as possible. She was usually blindfolded and even when she could see, there was no window for her to see the sun.

She rarely got to see Donald, to hold him and tell him everything would be alright.

That too was random.

Donald's scream made her body tense. Please let him be okay, please let him be okay. She pleaded to whatever god was listening.

Again she was blinded, and she felt her tears soak into the cloth that covered her eyes.

"Tell me, tell me and I can stop hurting Agent Ressler. Bokenkamp information now," Beaugard actually sounded angry. He had been calm up to this point, her hatred of him grew every second.

"I don't know anything," she sobbed. Her body shaking, the handcuffs bit into her skin as she struggled.

"Yes you do," he sighed. " is this not motivation enough? Is Donald's suffering not enough to make you tell me? I wonder how he'll feel about that."

But Charlotte didn't know, if she did she would've told him however long ago this started. She would've told him everything if it meant Donald was okay.

"I suppose we should try a different approach,"

He ripped the cloth off her face, the blinding light stung as she looked around the room.

Through the window she saw Donnie panting, blood seeping out of him rapidly.

"Please stop hurting him, please."

Beaugard made a gesture and Scott stopped carving. The bastard had the nerve to look disappointed. Until Beaugard made another gesture. This caused Scott to grin in an evil way.

"Come, let us take a field trip."

He led her to a weird room, it held two chairs. One with leather cuffs and the other with handcuffs. Like all the other rooms, there was no window. Only the door leading in and out of the room. There was a table in the far right corner with different medical supplies.

"Please sit," Beaugard took her to the chair with the handcuffs. Though her body  tried to resist, she forced herself to sit down. Maybe is she went with what they said they wouldn't hurt Donald. They hadn't hurt her yet, even when she begged them to put her on that table. Let her endure the pain for a bit.

"That's a good girl," he locked her wrists into the chair. Thank god there were none for her ankles.

"Now, I'm not going to ask you about Bokenkamp for a bit, how does that sound? Does that sound nice?"

She nodded.

"Good. Instead we are going to play a little game. Scott please bring in Agent Ressler."

Scott and the female guard , Laurent, rolled Donald into the room. Laurent pushing an IV. Donnie was in a wheel chair, his leg obviously broken and many badgers and bruises covered his body. He barely looked like he could comprehend anything, until he saw Lottie. His focus cleared again.

She didn't know what was happening, but they were in the same room. And they hadn't been in the same room in a long time.

"Ah Agent Ressler, perfect timing. How does being able to sit up feel?"

Confide in me, Agent Ressler (Blacklist fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now