A treat

634 15 12

Unknown amount of weeks later
(Maybe a tiny bit of smut this chapter.)
Lottie's POV

Charlotte held Donald close to her, stroking his hair as his breathing evened.

It was becoming very rare for them to see each other. Silas had been using the pain medication on him often, then letting him suffer withdrawals and tortured him during the time.

Charlotte was worried her wrists were getting infected. She had struggled against them for a while and she had started to bleed. Now she felt like shit.

But she had their healers, not doctors, take care of them.

They had been left alone for a few hours.

"Talk to me," she whispered, desperate to make sure he was okay. Well okay as he could be.

"About what?" He couldn't barely speak above that volume. Her heart broke.

"Anything, if you can. If it hurts you don't have to."

"It's okay," his breathing became uneven for a minute before it returned to normal. "How long have we been in here?" He held her tighter. Despite the fact he was in pain. And that he barely was out of a laying position recently. He didn't mind laying down as much, he told her. His leg had been killing him. It didn't set right.

"A few hours," the old natural happy tone in her voice was dead. She only felt alive when she could hold Donald. Even then, she knew they both were barely alive.

As if on cue, Beaugard came in.

He gave them a sly smile. Donald gripped her hand tightly, she prayed he wouldn't be taken from her.

"Oh don't worry. Miss Owens, Agent Ressler. I have some pressing matters in Paris. I'll be gone a week. I've instructed my men to leave you two alone. As a treat. Behave, I'll be back sooner than you think."

He left the room.

Charlotte let out a breathe she hadn't realized she'd been holding.

"A treat," he repeated, sounding like he wasn't sure about it.

She didn't know if she could trust it either.

It took two days before Donnie and Lottie could relax slightly.

They had been murmuring things to each other, specifically things about their wedding. Because they had nothing else to do but talk, and they refused to lose hope.

"As soon as we get out of here, I think we should get married." Donald sounded a little better after two days of no torture. He wasn't on the drug, it left his system a week ago. Silas must've know he was leaving, he didn't make their week break full of withdrawal.

"Agree, do you want to elope?"

He nodded.


"If you're okay with that," he looked at her, blue eyes full of love. Hope glistening. It had been far too long since she saw it.

"It'll be perfect. You sure your mom won't kill us?"

"I think she'll understand our circumstances," she cuddled closer to him. "It'll be Liz we will have to deal with,"

"She eloped,"


He kissed her cheek softly.

Then he tilted her head to kiss her mouth.

She responded immediately, it had been too long since they kissed.

They kissed for a while, passionate kisses that came from months of being kept from each other.

His hand slid under her shirt.


He stopped immediately.


"No, it's just." She let out a breath. " you're still hurt., are you sure you want to?"

"If you do," he whispered.
She didn't respond, instead she moved to where she straddled him, making sure to avoid his injured leg.

He flinched when she hit one of his recent injuries.

But he didn't let her apologize, he kissed her back.

Their hands explored each other's bodies, relearning every inch of them, avoiding the new bruises and knowing where not to talk.

She pulled off her shirt.

He cupped her breasts as they kept kissing.

They took off the rest of their clothes.

She knew this was the absolutely worst time for this, that they shouldn't be doing this. But would they ever have another chance? They didn't know if they were ever leaving alive, if they were going to die here. They might if well have this. She missed being with him like this.

They moaned and screamed each other's names as they climaxed. Not caring who heard, it was only them for those few minutes.

Four weeks later.

Charlotte looked horrified, this couldn't be happening. She had to get them out of here.

She breathed deeply, and began to plan.

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