First day + Quick details

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Okay so before it starts I'm going to fill you in on your quirk

Quirk 1: shapeshift

What it does: you can turn in to anything you think of including inanimate objects the only thing you can't turn into is humans and sometimes your clothes fall of

Downfall: this uses alot of your energy and is hard to control

Quirk 2: Elements

What it does: you can change the weather and use any of the elements a max of three at the same time you can also make patterns with this quirk, this quirk is better for show than fighting but can be used for fighting

Downfall: this quirk causes you to loose your ability to walk for a short amount of time (like 5 minutes) if it's used to much

Quirk 3: camouflage

What it does: you can make yourself look like your not there without turning invisible and you can use this on anyone who you touch

Downfall: this quirk make you loose your sense of touch in your finger tips (not to bad)

Your POV:

I woke up and checked the time I was really excited and scared at the same time so I got up and started getting ready when my dad shouted "Y/N your breakfast is ready."

I ran down stairs "morning dad!" I said happily.

"is mum still sleeping?" He nodded not taking his eyes of of the breakfast he was cooking which seemed like bacon.

"I'm so excited" I shouted as my mum walked through ruffled my hair and giggled.

"I'm not surprised your going to UA after all" I smiled as my dad handed me my breakfast I ate it really quickly and shouted.

"I'm going to school now!" Which caused her to look at me "you've got time yet." I nodded.

"but I want to get there early" you stated which caused her to smile.

"okay, but do you have your bag packed" I nodded I had packed it last night.

"we'll bring the stuff for your dorm later" I smiled at her grabbed my bag and ran out of the house

~Time skip to at school~

I was just at school when I remembered that this year the third years would be showing us around and that they would be waiting outside with a sign with our name on it.

I looked around for my name. Then saw the sign which said 'F/N, L/N' and I walked over to it. As I got there I saw Izuku Midoriya one of the best hero's in the school ranked at number 3 I was so happy that he was touring me.

I went over and said "It's nice to meet you I'm Y/N" he smiled and dropped the sign and giggled "glad im touring someone with manners." he said and then looked at me.

"Is it okay if theese to tag along because they weren't assigned anyone?" he asked smiling.

"That would be fine with me." I stated

Midoriya's POV:

Not going to lie Y/N was cute but I already have Todo and Kachan but I could tell by the way they were looking at her they thought it too I was really happy when she said that Todo and Kachan could tag along "so what's your quirk?" I asked her and she looked up at me "oh, I have three" she said causing me, Todo and Kachan to look at her confused she giggled which was actually adorable "I'll explain she said okay so basically one of my quirks is shape shift, I can turn into anything alive or not other than humans, one of them is Elements so I can control elements such as fire, earth, water so on and I can also control the weather and my last quirk is camouflage I can make it hard for the human eye to see me without turning invisible" damn Y/N was strong she will definitely become a pro in the future Todo and Kachan were looking at her with there mouths open "S-sorry" Y/N said looking at the ground like she felt bad "sometimes I forget that it's rare to have more the one or two quirks so I end up bragging about it like it's nothing" they both came out of there daydream and said "it's fine" we we're just shocked I looked up "hey let's start the tour" I said we were just finishing when the bell rang I looked at Y/N and said "what's your class" she looked at me "oh... It's 1-A" I smiled "okay,so your just down the hall" I told her as she skipped of happily and as soon as she was out of earline the three of us looked at each other and said "she's cute" and started walking to class

Your POV:

when I got to class I looked around and recognised no one from my old school so I just went and sat at the back of the class when a girl with light blue hair came up to me "I'm guessing you don't know anyone either" she said smiling I nodded "want to be friends?" She asked so nicely and cutely I couldn't say no "what's your name?" I asked and then that' when I realised who she was "my name's eri" she said "are you part of this class aren't you a little young" she looked at me "oh no, I'm not part of this class I'm just here for Mr. Aizawa because there's nowhere else for me to go" I looked at her and smiled I then realised I forgot to say I'd be her friend "also I'd love to be your friend" I said she then came over and hugged me smiling which was so cute then I heard someone say "Eri go to your seat" so she did as he said and went to the back of the classroom" I looked at who had said it and realised it was Mr. Aizawa "today I'm going to be seeing what you can do along with the help of three third years you've probably all heard of" I wondered who and then Todoroki, Midoriya and Bakugou came in and Mr. Aizawa started handing us our gym outfits and said "go get changed and meet us on the field I got up and was about to leave when someone said "Y/N" which caused me to turn around and then Bakugou said "I'm excited to see your quirk in action" I smiled and nodded then ran to the changing room I was quite a fast changer so I waited for everyone to leave and got changed quickly and Mr. Aizawa looked at me "what took you so long?" I looked down "I didn't feel comfortable changing Infront of everyone" he just nodded and said "okay, so basically you throw the ball as far as you can and whoever get's it furthest gets the most point's, Midoriya do you want to show them how it works" he just smiled and walked to the circle and threw the ball up and then tapped it with his finger sending it flying" he then walked out the circle "okay, who want's to go first" Mr. Aizawa said and straight away I put my hand up and he said "Y/N, let's see what you can do I walked over to the circle cleared my head and thought clearly of a catapult launching a ball and turned into a catapult launching the ball into the air and then changed back and saw everyone looking at me blushing so I looked at myself and realized I was in just my underwear with my clothes on down at my ankle so I quickly pulled up my clothes

So like 1300 words exactly, I shall see you next chapter

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