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I woke up to Kiris arms around me it was the first full night of sleep I'd had in I can't even remember how long Kiri was still sleeping his hair wasn't gelled back so he had hair all over his face

When I tried to get out the bed Kiri woke and groaned "really Y/N" I just chuckled since we had moved back to the dorms we all just moved between the dorms and looked after the children in turns

I looked at Kiri "now get up lazy ass" he looked at me "what-" I smiled "you heard me get up lazy ass" he groaned again "why? 5 more minutes?" I pulled the covers off of him "nope we have to get Hanabira and Kumo" he looked at me

"Go yourself" I looked at him "and carry two babies all the way across from the other side of the dorms and down the stairs" he sighed "fine okay okay give me a minute"

I smiled and got ready in the bathroom then Kiri got ready and we walked to Kats dorm "so we have to pick them up at 7am why?" I laughed "because and I quote Y/N get Hanabira and Kumo at 7am since some of us have patrol"

Kiri laughed "Katsuki right" I laughed "mhm wonder how you guessed" I opened the dorm door and walked in and smiled as the twins looked up at me there eyes gleaming excitedly "Hana, Kumo!" I said excitedly going over to them and picking them up

I gave kumo to Kiri and held Hanabira who was now giggling "Hey guys" I said to the three boys looking at me "hi Y/N" Deku said clearly still tired like he'd just woken up "up all night" I asked almost laughing "yep" he sighed

"Be careful" I said looking at them smiling they all smiled back then waved and walked out

"God I hate when you guys go on patrol" I said half to myself and half to Kiri who looked at me "why it's just patrol" I let out a half annoyed laugh 'Just patrol!?' I said

"What?" Kiri said clearly taken aback by the unexpected anger in my tone "nothing." I said "no Y/N what bothers you about it" I sat down on the bed and looked at Kiri

"You say 'it's just patrol' but it's not.." he raised his eyebrow questioningly "patrol can be dangerous you never know what your going to run into" I said and Kiri gave me an understanding look and simply said "don't worry"

✨❤️Time skip (take my apologies in advance)❤️✨

It was about 6pm we were watching the TV when an emergency news report went live the second I read the title of the news report I knew something had happened, something I wasn't going to like

'Hero students from 3-A Dynamite, Shoto and Deku get pulled into a dangerous fight' I glanced at Kiri who was looking at me just as nervous as me "we have to go" I said not thinking twice "we can't" Kiri said "how so"

Kiri motioned to the right now sleeping Hanabira and Kumo "we can't leave them" he said I nodded and continued watching the fight on the live news station the reporter kept talking over it and all I could think was 'shut up'

I leaned on Kiri the fight was the three of them against a person who had a really strong quirk I think it was something like confusion because eventually I realised they were all fighting each other "This I really bad" I said

Because of the camera angle it looked like the fight was on the ground but the camera moved and I realised they were on a roof extremely close to the edge I was sure Kiri had realised too because he looked ready to cry

We were both hugging each other looking at each others eyes when I saw something out the corner off my eye I wasn't sure what it was then I heard "Pro hero Deku has stumbled and is now falling from the roof

"W-what-" were the only words I could manage before I broke into sobs "K-Kiri he's go.. nna die" the building was a good 20 floors "He'll be fine" Kiri said clearly trying to hold himself together which lasted for a few minutes before we were both in tears "f-fu-ck" i muttered when I realised my phone was ringing

I quickly answered "Chloe" I said to her and in response all I got was a really nervous sigh "Are you okay?" She asked and I think it's safe to say the huge sob I let out answered her question

"Is denki okay they've all been friends for a long time" Chloe sighed "he's really not okay" she sighed "Shinso isn't holding up either" I looked at Kiri and realised he was no longer in the room

"Hold up a second chloe" I said she went silent and I listened for any sound from Kiri and I lost control of any tears I was holding when I heard the scream the pure pain in his voice "K-kiri" was all I managed Chloe clearly heard it too

"Holy fuck" Chloe said I couldn't control the sobs and I heard the call end so I went to the place I knew Kiri had been the dormitory bathrooms I had to stop at someone else in 3-A's dorm to get them to go check on him as it was the male toilets

I walked towards denkis dorm knowing Chloe would be there "h-hey" I said walking in "Y/N.." Chloe said "he's at the hospital if you want to go there we- we can look after Kumo and Hanabira" Denki added

I nodded "can you get Kiri denki..?" He nodded and went into the bathroom "Kiri.. Y/N wants you.."

The door slowly opened and Kiri walked out his face stained red from crying I hugged him "can we go to the hospital..?" I mumbled and I could tell he nodded

The car ride to the hospital was awkward. I mean when you've just seen one of your boyfriend fall of a high roof it tends to be.

As soon as Kiri parked I ran into the waiting room "we're here to see Izuku Midoriya.." I said panting at the front desk

The woman sighed "another fangirl.. I've been told to keep them away" I half laughed almost offended "what?" I was annoyed now

I saw bakugou turn the corner "I'm not just some fangirl" I saw the anger in Bakugou's eyes and then he smirked "hey babe" bakugou said and the nurse just stared at me

"I'm so sorry it's just-" then Kiri walked over "what happened??" We both laughed nervously "just a small misunderstanding it's fine"

My mood changed instantly after that "h-how is he.. where's Todo.." bakugou looked at me and smiled "he's in a stable condition and Sho is currently getting a drink from the café

"Okay.. is Izu awake?" Bakugou smiled "yes but he's had alot of pain meds so he might be a little well out of it"

I laughed "can we see him" Kiri said smiling "yeh of course" Kats smiled

We walked into Izu's room and seeing him completely bandaged up unable to move without flinching in pain was hard to see but he was still smiling

"Hey Izu I said" his eyes were blurry like how they get when you've been crying for a long time "hey N/N" he said chuckling but sorta biting his lip

A/N Sorry about the long wait I got writers block and wanted to get this chapter over 1000 words

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