The hell hole of School

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I walked into class and sat down everyone was looking at me wierd I looked down at my desk wondering why everyone was staring at me I started playing with my hands 'did they find out somehow' I thought to myself

One girl walked over to me "are you okay?" She said I looked up "huh" she smiled politely "we were told about your parents we're sorry for making you uncomfortable" I smiled politely at her "I'm fine thanks for asking, what's your name"

She looked at me "oh my name's Chloe" she said smiling and sitting down in the seat next to me "can I ask you something?" She said looking at me politely "yeh sure" I smiled "why do you spend so much time with the four third years?" She said

I looked at her "don't tell anyone but we're all dating" I said smiling at her she smiled back nicely "that's what I thought" she smiled "do you want to be friends" I asked

She smiled in my face "of course" she said smiling alot I smiled back at her happily then the class door opened and I looked up "Y/N YOU DUMBASS" I looked at Kiri shocked "W-what" I said

He laughed "you forgot your lunch" I opened my bag and looked in it "omg I did" I got up and walked over to him and hugged him and he handed me the food he whispered in my ear "you better be careful"

I nodded and took my lunch thanking him when I sat down Chloe looked at me "talk to me after class" she looked serious almost worried I was really confused "o-okay" I said

✨❤️ TIME SKIP ❤️✨

I walked over to Chloe who was waiting on me in the empty hallway "did you need something" I asked she just looked at me "are you okay... You look tired" she said I looked at her "oh yeh I'm fine just not getting as much sleep as I need"

She smiled "oh okay" I was about to walk away when she said "wait, Y/N eat lunch with me" I looked at her "come with me I usually sit with the third years" she smiled "okay"

We walked up to the 3A table "hey" I said sitting down Chloe sitting next to me "what did you do in class?" Bakugou asked "oh right we were just doing some written work" he smiled "what are you doing after lunch" I looked at my plate "we're going down to ground beta"

All four of them looked at me "no way" I looked at them "I'll be careful plus dads there" they all looked at me "fine." I looked at Chloe who looked confused "erm... Why can't she go down?" Chloe asked I shook my head at them but they told her anyways

"Your Y/N's friend right" Deku asked "yes" Chloe said looking confused "while Y/N's pregnant" I looked at her but she didn't look shocked "oh okay" she said hugging me "I-" Chloe smiled "I'll make she's okay" Chloe said and I smiled

Just then denki and shinso walked over "Chloe why are you at our table" Kaminari said "oh hi babe I was with my new friend Chloe" I looked at her "were you not planning on telling me this" I looked at Chloe "you never asked" she shrugged "fair point"

Just then the bell rang and me and Chloe walked to the 1A classroom I walked to my seat and sat down "for today's class half of you are going to be rescued the other half is going to be rescuing"

✨❤️ TIME SKIP ❤️✨

We were put in the teams for the rescuing and people who are being rescued I was put into the team for getting rescued I went to a place that looked pretty dangerous

I was about to stay still when a large bit of stone fell and hit the back off my head and then everything went black.

I woke up and realised I was in the nurses room I saw bakugou and instantly thought "shit" I soon learned I said that out loud "Y/N!!" he shouted I looked at him "I swear it's not my fault I was just doing what I was supposed to"

I was basically in tears "Y/N calm down I know" aizawa told me that he put you in the team getting rescued "also dont worry your fine and so is the baby" I sighed in relief

Kiri walked in and said "you might want to thank Chloe she saved you" I looked at him "but she was in the team getting rescued aswell" he just smiled "she saw you go in there and then she heard a bang and found you"

"Oh" I said looking at him "I'm sorry" I said again I didn't mean for this too happen "for the last time calm down also Y/N your teachers have decided your not getting to go back until the babies born" I nodded know there was no point in arguing

AN I am so so sorry for not uploading this chapter sooner I kinda forgot

Their Little Girl ° KiriTodoBakuDeku/readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz