9. Infidelity

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Time: 03:18
Location: Following the GPS
Pov: General Kim Namjoon
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"Detective I think you should've ruffled her up a bit. I told you she was a waste of time. In times like this, you rely on no one but your first instincts, which is going after the thing yourself, instead of chasing after witnesses. Isn't that right General?" Jimin, who's in the backseat, has been the only one asking unnecessary questions either trying to rage me on without knowing, or trying to create conversation. Either way he succeeds in pissing me off every time he opens his mouth. "But who am I to complain, I like the idea that she's taken. This'll lead us back to those delinquent fire starters."

"Be careful there hunter, we're dealing with non human beings." Jungkook speaks. "You of all people should know that they're not easy to capture on footage. The whole damn building has been burnt down and we don't have a single shot of the thing that did this."

"But now, we saw it with our own eyes and we saw its power." Jimin replies. "We are now witnesses."

"Now that is smart." I remark by his comment. "We are now witnesses but at the same time we're trying to eliminate it. The question you should've been asking all along, is how we can eliminate this threat? Instead of you having a plain session of conversation and complaints."

"Can you blame me for your decisions of not taking my advice the first time? To screw the witness? This is what I've been trying to get you people to see." Jimin sighs in the backseat. "If we ignored the witness, and just went to deal with it ourselves we would've seen what she saw giving us a much higher advantage of what we'd do next. Because with or without a witness, we weren't as prepared,"

I fasten my jaw thinking in my head of his strategy. "We didn't have to bring my wife through all this."

"Not you too General. This is my honest opinion, your wife, our witness, is our best chance at capturing this thing, or things." Jungkook expresses himself. "When questioning her, or rather trying to get her to answer the questions, she was very guarded at some point trying to protect her friend, Chanyeol. Truly there were times when she seemed lost, but that last question I asked definitely triggered something,"

"What was your last question?" Jimin asks. "And who is this Chanyeol person, Namjoon how do you not know this?"

I sigh turning a bit to watch Jungkook as he drives. "Are you going to answer first or should I?"

"You said you didn't know who Chanyeol was, so I don't expect you to have an answer now. Unless you've hindered us from details." Jungkook shakes his head. "I asked how her friend Chanyeol got absorbed in the being. She thought for long and hard, but her face looked stricken with new information, perhaps conflicting ideas before she answered with a lie, that she did not know. She was protecting him. Which then makes me understand that you know him, General. Come to think of it, he only had interest in you."

"That thing sounded poisonous." Jimin acknowledges.

"That thing looked like Chanyeol, but obviously wasn't. " I stop to look outside of my window. "I don't 100% believe that it's the same person,"

"Will you tell us who Chanyeol is?"

I bite the inside of his lip. What should I tell them about who Chanyeol is? That Chanyeol is always the one to catch me in an infidelity cycle countless of times? Or that Chanyeol wants to tell Sohee everything about my infidelity chain...

"Her friend."

"That's all?" Jungkook asks taking glances to look at me. "She answered that question already. There has to be something more than that."

"Even if there is, I seriously doubt that Chanyeol is inside that body. Turn there," I cut the topic short pointing to a curve on the road.

"Taehyung didn't say to go this-"

"We need to pick up heat resistance on the way, including weapons."

"On a bold and quiet night like this, many people are fast asleep but yet here we are," Jimin sighs. "About to cause a scene."

"We need to make this out of the public eye," I remind him taking a double take at the GPS. "Taehyung are you sure we're going the right way?"

"Before you got off track you were going the right way," he replies softly with little energy.

I roll my eyes. "We're just picking up some weapons and vests on the camp base. The directions you gave me are leading into Old Town City Cave."

"Isn't that the place where Dr. Xuimin, was found dead?" Jimin asks.

"Yes it is." Jungkook answers.

Something doesn't feel right. "According to the files the boss gave, yes it is."

Jimin gets inbetween the seats turning to Namjoon on the passengers seat. "Why are you saying that in that way? Do you not believe that he died there?"

"Taehyung are you guys still on the journey to the next region point?" I ask. Taehyung confirms. "I need you to get me everything on Park Chanyeol. If he is at that location, that abandoned location then that definitely means that he knows something about what's going on. Get Yoongi to run everything on Chanyeol right now."

"Still." Jungkook speaks. "Why would he go there? Is there something we did not see? Something still there?"

Him and Jimin turn to me. "We've checked everywhere. It's abandoned and rotting. What could there possibly be? We need to gear up and head to the sight again. Whatever it is that is there, we'll find it."

"Come to think of it," Jungkook speaks. "The whole place was wiped clean and there was little to no evidence of his existence there. Did Doctor Xuimin really live there, hidden?"

Jimin groans. "You two should've stayed with the rest of those science nerds. Because talking about some dead guy again and his cave again, isn't what we should be doing now."

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