The Dual Ends

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Chapter 8

        Everyone realized that the tables had turned. Destiny's face was pinched in frustration and anger, Jane's was calm and cautious.

        "Who are you Jane?" Destiny screeched and threw a full set of knives at once. Jane took the beautiful spear in her hands and deflected each and everyone of them. "Spirits of Illusion, Conceal!" Destiny hissed and she slowly dissolved, only then did Jane realize she was invisible. Silence took over the area as no one new where she was. Jane whirled around to see Destiny crouching in a tree to, a fire of hatred burned in her eyes. Her hands had crossed over her head in a position to throw when Jane took notice of every single aspect of the situation.

        "Spirits of Confinement, Bind!" screamed Jane and the branched and leaves of the tree started to bend and curve to hold Destiny. Destiny struggled, but cut the tree clean in half before leaping to another tree. Jane repeated the spell so many times, an abundance of trees were left in disarray. Marielle had to declare confinement spells banned. Jane suddenly realized a sharp pain had invaded her ankles. Glancing down she saw two knives that skinned her and protruded from the ground. Her legs quickly numbed and she realized the knives had changed color. Originally they had been gold, but now they were a poison colored violet. Jane figured that the color would be incorporated with the effect on contact. They stalked each other and watched for openings, inside Jane's head Aquarius was giving expert spear skills.

         There's an opening on her left Jane, she expects you to go there but you can surprise her. With your abilities as one of my descendants, you have more power than you realize.

       A slow, hazy mist crept onto the field and Destiny frowned at what would be an obstacle. Like a hunter, she crept off into some place where she wait for the time to strike. There! And Jane spun not a moment too soon before sparks were flying between the knives and the trident. Jane's trident was a wonderful piece of weaponry, it had a sharp edge on all three prongs and was light and agile.  

       Jane gasped and suddenly realized she could see Destiny, she was trying to hide above her and charging her knives with electricity. She wondered how it was possible for her to be able to see Destiny without physically turning her eyes toward her, it was almost as if... the mist was acting as her eyes. Can I manipulate water? Jane asked Aquarius.

        Most of my descendants can, but they usually can't do what your doing right now, using it as one of your senses. Aquarius supposed.

        Jane tried picturing thickening the haze, she could almost hear the curses in Destiny's mind. This duel was decided.



         "Mr. Stellin? I would like the answer to my question." the teacher demanded.


         "Is he asleep?" a little voice chirped.


          The whole class jumped as Castor wiped his nose, his eyes were red and puffy, his throat sore, and his nose stuffed.

          "Uh sorry, the answer is Orion." Castor yawned and the teacher frowned and turned away. A flick was felt on the back of his head and he found a scrunched up note in his hands. He opened it:

           Are you ok? Aiden had wrote, Castor peered back and saw him making hand signs frantically. When he heard the teacher turn around again Castor hid the note and accidentally made a really big show of it. He sneezed again.

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