Ancient to Older

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Chapter 12

   To say the library was small would be an understatement. It was freaking huge. Castor groaned slightly as he took in the colossal room. The library was one giant room with more than 100 shelves, Castor was sure of it. Every shelf had a lion head with its fangs sticking out rudely. He wanted to run. Not from the lions, but from the books because they were all big enough to kill him if they dropped. Though he was compelled to stay, as if a magnetic force were pulling him towards the shelves. Inching closer he felt a seductive pull, toward a specific shelf.

   Only when he felt the knife whiz past his ear did he realize. In the utmost confusion Castor took cover under a table whilst he saw all the remaining humans in the Library crumple with a thin knife at there back.


   "Spirit of Contract, Nullify!" Castor yelled out from under the table, and all the needle like weapons vanished. This specific star spell prohibited any other spells to be cast, or any items to be summoned. That included him also.

   He felt a rush of power, and then absolutely nothing. Castor blinked than sighed at the hallucination. There was no Destiny here, not anyone. Just him and a dusty clerk.

   He sighed and realized that the lack of rest was getting to him, not only was he hallucinating, we was drooling. Wiping the clear substance from his mouth he marched to a counter where they were selling coffee. They raised an eyebrow that a child was drinking coffee, but Castor shrugged it off and found an isolated section where he drank his joe.

   The bitter taste somewhat pleased Castor and he opened his eyes to his surroundings. He sat in the center two shelves, listening to the daily buzz before catching another buzz. Like a fly, except subtler and more pleasant. Castor set his cup of coffee down on a shelf and followed his elusive pull towards many different shelves.

   "Exploras. Spanish for explorers. Probably." he thought silently while comparing himself to an explorer. What twelve (and eleven months!) year old gets to hunt for a mysterious stone while drinking coffee. Not many. Deep in his thought he realized that the pull meant he was in the right place. The Stone of Peace, which in turn could prove a deadly weapon or a blissful item, was somewhere around the library. A loud buzzing interrupted his thoughts and Castor jumped and fumbled for his phone. When it was open he smiled at the voice of his friend.

   "Having fun at all in London?" Jane asked through the phone.

   "Not really... the mission kinda sucks plus I'm in a library with old people." Castor replied, finding the source of the pull, a withered book.

   "Well, come outside and you may find a pleasant surprise!" she said happily and the line went dead. Castor rolled his eyes and found his half drunken cup of coffee, which he threw away. On the way out, the silence and tension in the room positively screamed. The clerk from before had his forehead against the desk sleeping. Castor quietly left the room with the feeling that a pair of eyes were boring themselves into his back.

   With a sharp intake of breath he quickly put a hundred dollar bill in the old man's hand for the book. Only then did he realize that the man had no pulse. And that he had been stabbed. Castor yelped and searched around the room and realized that the enemy would target the opponent when they've been discovered, if not earlier.

   "Spirits of Protection, Expel!" he shouted just in time to see two ninja-looking stars bounce off the shield. "Spirit of Trickery! Trap!" he hissed again and he heard a loud thumping above him. looking up he saw the same girl from before, half-sunken into the wall. Castor wasn't quite sure what her name was, but he was beyond pissed. How the hell did she get out of captivity? Idiots run the world apparently.

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