The Visit

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I have officially decided to choose this story as my main story.

A huge thankyou to AngelicHero for talking to a nub like me! Check out her awesome profile! Who has star-struck syndrome? NOT YOU!!! I do... (smirks evilly)


Chapter 3

"Sshhhh...Gem,he's waking up. Oh this is going to be so funny!!!!" I groggily opened my blurry eyes and wiped my chapped lips, except I felt a disgusting white creme all over my face, I turned more than a few shades of red and then realized the trick that was played on me.

"GEMINI!!!! I told you for the last time, not to do this, I thought we were past trick playing guys!" I yelled. I heard some distant, echoeing giggling. I looked around at the plush white space all around me. I found I had been changed into a soft silk robe that matched my black hair.

There were no windows or doors, but it looks like a comfortable waiting area. I heard the giggling get closer until it was as if the giggling was in the room itself;no echoes at all. Then slowly, the two twins appeared, one in his tux,(as always), and Gem, with his Greek battle armor. Mini, the one in the tux nodded his head in acknoledgement and handed me a handkerchief with a shaky hand from laughing, I scowled and reluctantly took it from his grasp.

Gem nodded to but pounded his fist to his chest armor, showing he was aware of my presence. "Morons..."I muttered, "So which one of you smart alecs decided to put your cheap whipped cream onto my hand and then my face? huh?"

"He did it!"Gem said quickly pointing an accusing finger at Mini, "I told him not to, but he wouldn't listen, did you know my brother is such a wild jokester under that helmet of-'

"Gem! Seriously?" I rolled my eyes and looked at Mini, who just like his brother towered over me in height, "Did you do this Mini?" Mini frowned and took out a can of spray whipped cream,

"Sorry Castor,"he said in a big, looming voice, yet still with his familiar delicate tones, "he's right, I am a trickster... but HE told me to do it, and he smeared some weird chalky stuff he found in the trash all over your lips!"

"Did Not!!!!" Mini said stepping in opposition towards Gem

"Did TOO!!!" Gem boomed stepping up to meet foreheads with Gem.

I rolled my eyes and then realized he said he put something from the trash on his lips, "BLERGHH!!" I shouted and ran to a conveniantly located sink and rinsed, rubbed, cleaned, and soaped my mouth. After five minutes later I left the sink and felt a pang of confusion

"Wait, I was on a plane... why am I here?" I asked the two twins that were wrestling.

Gem had Mini in a headlock and shouted through muffled gasps, "You-erg, passed out, you should not have used so much power, I am sure-you could-arg!-have taken care of it-with just us!"He was flipped over by Mini

"He's right! You used probably more than your maximum, you could have, you could have-" Mini made the sign with his index finger moving across his neck meaning "dead"Then he turned around and tackled Gem. Wait, one, three, because a timespell counted for 2, five(another time spell), seven, nine... NINE??? That was way past my spell limit!

I quickly regained some of my composure, and as if nothing had happened I rolled my eyes and said, "Can I leave now guys? If I don't get back before the plane lands, people will be freaked out." That last part I pleaded because I was getting a tad impatient.

The two paused in an akward brawl on the ground and looked at me with pouty faces, obviously the two wanted me to stay and ref. their little competition.

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